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Advocacy letter | February 5, 2014

Local communities in the Ivano-Frankvisk region in Ukraine have filed a complaint with the IFC's complaint mechanism regarding the conduct of agribusiness corporation Danosha. This letter summarises the complaint's content and asks the EBRD to follow the complaint process and derive lessons for its own support of industrial farming projects in Ukraine.

Briefing | February 3, 2014

The latest available lending figures from the European Investment Bank show a striking imbalance between what was invested in old and new EU Member States.

Advocacy letter | January 27, 2014

With this letter 14 organisations from the MENA region and Europe bemoan the lack of clear purpose and effectiveness of the EBRD's democratic principles that are being undermined by the bank's moves towards making Egypt a full country of operations despite having significant concerns about the state’s conformity with these principles.

Official document | January 16, 2014

By allowing the Stanari lignite plant to pollute 2-3 times more than EU standards, Bosnia and Herzegovina is failing on its Energy Community obligations. This official complaint was submitted by NGO Center for Environment from Banja Luka to the Vienna-based Energy Community Treaty secretariat.

Advocacy letter | January 13, 2014

Europe is struggling to find its way out of multiple crises. Austerity measures in reaction to the economic crisis are causing untold human suffering. The environmental crisis is continuing apace, endangering the well-being of future generations. Meanwhile, little has been done to put the region on an environmentally sustainable path. Ten of the leading environmental organisations in the EU, representing over 20 million Europeans, believe that the answers to these crises lie in smarter and more sustainable EU policies.

Briefing | December 28, 2013

This toolkit provides EU funds practitioners, whether it be relevant officials in municipalities, potential EU funds grantees, local communities, civil society organisations or interested members of the public, with an overview of all the legal regulations related to environmental mainstreaming and sustainable development that have been introduced into the forthcoming EU budgetary period of 2014-2020. In practical terms, coverage is provided, too, of the relevant environmental mainstreaming strategies and mechanisms.

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Study | December 28, 2013

Analyses and comments elaborated and published in the course of the
on-going programming process from May until December 2013 show that the draft planning documents fail to ensure sustainable development, are half-hearted in environmental protection, sideline partners and neglect communities.

Advocacy letter | December 23, 2013

Prompted by gross human rights violations in Egypt this letter asks for clarification how the EBRD can continue to operate in Egypt even though the EBRD's mandate states that the bank operates in "countries committed to and applying the principles of multiparty democracy, pluralism and market economics" and its continued operations in Egypt therefore amount to a blatant violation of its commitments as a public institution.

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Study | December 20, 2013

While the EBRD's founding document require it to "promote in the full range of its activities environmentally sound and sustainable development" more than half of the bank’s energy investments in Ukraine for the period 2006-2013 hardly served the purpose of sustainable development promotion. In this period the EBRD has supported nuclear energy production and new output capacities for nuclear power plants, export-oriented infrastructure, as well as controversial initiatives in the renewable energy sector.

Briefing | December 12, 2013

In recent years, the EBRD has increasingly recognised the important role that states play in the transition to a well-functioning market economy that is based on strong institutions and the inclusion of all social groups into the economy. For this, states need resources, and taxation is one of the main means to ensure them.

Advocacy letter | December 11, 2013

At the present stage, the Partnership Agreements and the Operational Programmes for the next Cohesion Policy period (2014-2020) are not proving to be sufficient for effectively catalysing the EU's transition towards resource efficient, renewable energy based economies. In this letter to the Director Generals for Regional Policy, Environment and Climate Change, European environmental NGOs raise their worries over the Programming of EU Funds in EU Member States. The main concern is that environmental priorities are not being properly addressed.

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Study | December 9, 2013

The EBRD is about to approve a new energy strategy, yet it is unclear to what extent it will follow other public lenders in halting coal financing. In this paper we step away from the discussions on climate issues to take a look at another reason why the EBRD should be wary of investing in coal projects: corruption.

Advocacy letter | November 27, 2013

The EBRD is considering a loan to the Ukrainian agribusiness corporation Danosha whose pig farms in the Ivano-Frankvisk region have triggered numerous complains by locals.