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Policy comments | March 6, 2014

The EBRD's good governance policies include the Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), the Public Information Policy (PIP) and the Project Complaint Mechanism's Rules of Procedure (PCM). Bankwatch has also submitted separate comments on the draft Rules of Procedure for the PCM.

Briefing | March 5, 2014

At the moment from an NGO's point of view the Operational Programme of Latvia looks well defined and very promising in general. But the way how the OP is described at the moment is too general also for a SEA to assess the possible negative impacts on environment as well as for NGOs to consider that the implementation of OP could cause serious environmental problems, let alone the strategic direction Latvia chose to follow with support of ESI funds.

Briefing | March 4, 2014

The EBRD loan for the Kolubara lignite mine project in Serbia was approved when the forced removal of the local graveyard of the Vreoci community was already initiated and in spite of protests and appeals to the EBRD and in spite of on-going corruption investigations of the company. This case offers important lessons learned for the Environmental and Social Policy of the EBRD with regards to human rights.

Policy comments | February 27, 2014

The EBRD's current Environmental and Social Policy requires the bank to act in accordance with principles of international law on access to environmental information and participation in decision-making on issues that may have negative transboundary impacts on the environment. The new draft policy, however, transfers responsibility for meeting these commitments from the EBRD to the client.

Briefing | February 26, 2014

The briefing is based on inputs from the Network of Estonian Non-Governmental Organisations, the Estonian Council of Environmental Organisations, the Estonian Fund for Nature, the Centre of Stockholm Environment Institute in Tallinn (a.k.a Sustainable Estonia Institute), the Estonian Green Movement-FoE Estonia, the Estonian Renewable Energy Association and CEE Bankwatch Network.

Advocacy letter | February 20, 2014

In light of the recent violence in Ukraine, Bankwatch is asking the EBRD, the largest foreign investor in Ukraine, to refrain from any further cooperation both on new and current projects until the government takes decisive and peaceful steps to end the escalation of the current crisis, ends human rights violations committed by government forces, shows clear commitment to settling the political crisis in a peaceful way and addresses the key concerns of the protests.

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Study | February 20, 2014

This paper makes the case for improved transparency as a prerequisite for sustainability and environmental justice in resource-rich countries. It argues that transparency is instrumental in overcoming the 'resource curse' in two ways: first, empowering citizens and communities to participate in decision-making, and secondly, fostering more accountable governments and corporations.

Briefing | February 20, 2014

The EU-backed Energy Community Treaty, which brings together the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova in order to integrate them with the EU energy market. Although original Treaty contains some environmental obligations for signatory countries, it pays relatively little attention to environmental and public health concerns. This in turn increases the likelihood of EU countries importing energy produced at great costs to the people and environment in accession and neighbouring countries. The current revision of the Treaty is a valuable opportunity to rectify this problem.

Advocacy letter | February 18, 2014

This letter was sent both in English (pdf) and French (pdf).

Briefing | February 12, 2014

The Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013 is expected to provide EUR 5.8 billion for transport projects in the Czech Republic. Of this amount, up to EUR 1.3 billion should come from the EIB via the Structural and Cohesion Funds Transport Framework Facility for 2007-2013, with some 55 percent earmarked for investments in new motorway corridors and the rest for upgrades to existing rail corridors. An analysis of the OP project showed many cases of misuse of the public funding.

Briefing | February 10, 2014

This briefing presents concern regarding the proposal to formalise one set of result measurement indicators for operations inside and outside of Europe. The EIB has worked now since 2012 on a framework for assessing and measuring development results for operations outside the EU called the Results Measurement Framework (REM). After its 2012 capital increase, the EIB began a revision of the Value-Added (VA) assessment of the bank’s operations within the EU and Pre-Accession countries. As a result, the Three Pillar Outcomes Assessment (3PA) was implemented in 2013.

Briefing | February 6, 2014

Currently, a High Level Reflection Group is evaluating the institutional set-up and working methods of the Energy Community and will report this June with suggested improvements to the Ministerial Council. Yet the composition of this group and the informal reports from its first meeting suggest that the environment is in danger of being neglected once again in the updated Treaty.