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Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

With only a few weeks to go until the end of the year, and the official start of the new EU budgetary period for 2014-2020 that will see billions of euros flow into central and eastern Europe (CEE), national governments are racing to finalise their EU spending allocations for the forthcoming seven-year period. But, according to new analysis and a data visualisation put together by Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe, CEE member states look set to pass up the opportunity to devote adequate funds for green projects and initiatives.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

A list of 35 regional priority energy projects selected on 24 October in Belgrade by the Energy Community's Ministerial Council has been greeted with dismay by civil society groups from across the western Balkans.

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Study | November 4, 2013

Since 2009 Turkey has experienced a boom in the construction of coal-fired power plants in response to growing energy demand, increasing gas prices and its abundant coal reserves. Based on a field trip to the Black Sea, this report finds that while environmental impacts of coal power plants are only inadequately assessed, alternatives to coal are neither analysed nor discussed at the policy or project levels. National authorities show a disregard of public concerns and offer only limited access to information for the public.

Briefing | October 22, 2013

The Western Balkans countries are aspiring to become members of the European Union. On 24 October the Ministerial Council of the EC-backed Energy Community will approve a list of priority energy infrastructure projects resulting from the Regional Energy Strategy known as Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) for the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine. These projects would be prioritised for fast-track approval and public financing.

Advocacy letter | October 17, 2013

Ahead of a European Council meeting on innovation, Green 10, a coalition of the ten largest environmental organisations working at the European level, called on the Presidents of the three main EU institutions to promote sustainable innovation. Noting that certain companies who masquerade as innovators are actually seeking to block policies that challenge the status quo and deliver on sustainable innovation. The letter continues to stress the needs for a wider concept of innovation, the stimulating role of public policies and the importance of the precautionary principle.

Advocacy letter | October 10, 2013

This letter to Commissioner Janez Potocnik outlines serious concerns regarding the optional "Transitional National Plan" (TNP) derogation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The TNPs provide an opportunity for the coal industry and governments to pollute more compared to the general pollution limits set by the IED. In some cases using this derogation makes retrofitting plants economically viable, because thanks to the derogation they are given more time to meet the IED pollution limits.

Policy comments | September 24, 2013

Bankwatch's detailed comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. It also contains comments on other energy sources, carbon markets, energy systems, carbon capture and storage, nuclear safety, and in an additional annex it lays out sustainability criteria for hydropower development.

Briefing | September 24, 2013

In our full comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction Bankwatch suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. This document summarises the most important points made and a collection of most recommendations.

Advocacy letter | September 20, 2013

On Monday, September 9, 2013, Serbian police arrested the former director and the former financial director of the Kolubara Mining Basin, as well as a businessman and several other individuals on the basis of suspected fraud in land expropriation proceedings around the Kolubara mine. This letter asks the EBRD board of directors to ensure that the EBRD thoroughly investigates the issues around these latest arrests.

Advocacy letter | September 19, 2013

This letter was sent in both English and Japanese

Advocacy letter | September 19, 2013

The letter was sent in both English (pdf) and Italian (pdf).

Advocacy letter | September 19, 2013

The letter was sent in both English (pdf) and Korean (pdf).

Study | September 18, 2013

This research examines environmental data published by the Montenegro government on the seven preliminary bids received for the planned 220 MW Pljevlja II lignite-fired power plant. It finds that only one of the offers from Chinese and European companies is in compliance with the EU Industrial Emissions Directive for dust emissions. None of the offers reach the efficiency levels associated with EU Best Available Techniques.

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Study | September 14, 2013

This publication (available in different languages) is an updated version of the "Let’s talk about IPA" toolkit from 2011. It aims to give guidance and to support NGOs in Western Balkan countries and stakeholders interested or involved in the programming cycle for pre-accession funding, encouraging them to fully exploit all opportunities for public participation within the process.