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Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

Published to coincide with the EBRD’s annual meeting 2013 being held in Istanbul, this issue examines a developing controversial project in the bank’s newest region: a refinery expansion project in Cairo. Other fossil fuel investments by the EBRD also feature in the newsletter - and as the bank goes into major ‘policy review’ mode, with revisions to its energy, environmental and social and public information policies in the pipeline for this year, we put forward the case for the EBRD to rise to the climate challenge with real action rather than words. As the bank’s newly signed Kosovo country strategy demonstrates, however, the bank isn't on course yet.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

EBRD policy must take a stance: will it limit the ways in which stakeholders interact with each other and with the environment by adopting technical and procedural solutions? Or will it aim to promote shifts in social relations, in line with its mandate to promote sustainability and democratisation in its countries of operation? In this briefing, Bankwatch recommends a number of improvements in the EBRD's Environmental and Social Policy and its Public Information Policy to better reflect the needs of the public.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

In 2009 the EBRD established the EUR 50 million facility to support the development of small-scale projects in all renewable energy generation sectors, including hydro, wind, biomass and solar power. While the initiative is welcomed and timely, the first projects to be developed were not transparent practices in the project development, jeopardising the whole notion of renewable energy as sustainable and socially-acceptable.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

The briefing outlines arguments against the 600 MW Kosovo e Re project that involved the construction of a new coal plant close to Prishtina. The project has been heavily promoted by the World Bank and by the US, and now also looks set for funding by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The bank's new draft Country Strategy for Kosovo, which was approved by the EBRD's Board of Directors on 1 May, clearly shows the bank's interest in the project.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

In recent years the EBRD has increased its funding for hydropower plants (HPPs) of all sizes. While small hydropower plants are seen by many as a far safer technology than large hydropower plants, they too can cause interruptions in river flows, loss of biodiversity and the degradation of habitats, disruptions for migrating fish and a lack of water for irrigation and drinking in downstream communities. The updated EBRD Environmental and Social Policy should include safeguards to ensure that small HPPs are truly sustainable.

Policy comments | April 29, 2013

Our input expresses our main concern relating to the need to develop an energy sector in southeast and eastern Europe that is in line with EU environmental and climate policies and legislation, as well as one which addresses the increasing problem of energy poverty through sparing and efficient energy use. We underline the need for the PECIs projects to be in line with current and forthcoming EU legislation and policies on climate, environment, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Advocacy letter | April 29, 2013

The letter accompanied Bankwatch's and other NGOs' input to the public consultation on the proposed Projects of Energy Community Interest in the electricity, gas and oil sectors. With the letter, civil society groups jointly address several important matters about the process, scope and selection criteria.

See also Bankwatch's inputs to the consultation.

Briefing | April 22, 2013

With each passing day, there is less chance that we will manage to keep the planet within the "safe" limit of two degrees Celsius global warming that would avoid disastrous climate change. The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development can play a pivotal role in leveraging more private investment for sustainable energy. Both institutions are now reviewing their energy lending policies.

Advocacy letter | April 22, 2013

The Implementation Committee under the Espoo Convention concluded in March 2013 that the extension of the life-times of two nuclear reactor units at the Rivne NPP are a case of non-compliance with Ukraine's international obligations. The two units are part of a, EBRD financed project and got their life-time extensions in 2010 without preparing an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and with no information provided to potentially affected neighbouring states.

Policy comments | April 19, 2013

Croatian electricity company HEP, carried out an assessment of the planned Ombla hydropower plant's impact on the Vilina Cave – Ombla Spring protected area. This assessment confirms that the site in question is among the most diverse such habitats in the country and that the construction of the power plant would have irreversible and long-lasting impacts on an area that set for protection as part of Croatia’s future Natura 2000 network.

Policy comments | April 18, 2013

These comments focus in particular on the energy sector in Kosovo to avoid a replication of mistakes that the EBRD made in other countries in the region. The Kosovo energy sector presents a wide range of serious challenges and it is of particular concern that the draft strategy includes specifically the new Kosovo lignite power plant project among its possible interventions (while not specifying specific energy efficiency or renewable energy projects).

Policy comments | April 17, 2013

Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development (KOSID) is an umbrella for Civil Society groups in Kosovo that follow projects with the aim of contributing to more sustainable solutions. KOSID consists of think tanks, civic initiatives, public information and outreach organizations, and specific professional institutions and associations; those work together as a group in following the projects. KOSID's comments on the EBRD's draft strategy for Kosovo argues against supporting a new lignite-fired power plant near Prishtina.

Advocacy letter | April 15, 2013

The EBRD draft strategy for Kosovo is currently under public consultation until April 18. While Bankwatch will also publish comments on the content of the strategy, this letter brings important procedural matters to the EBRD's attention which, if not improved, will seriously impact the quality of the country strategy.

Policy comments | March 29, 2013

Bankwatch's comments focus on the aspects of mining and economic diversification; modernising infrastructure; energy efficiency, renewables and climate change; environmental, social and gender implications of the bank’s