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Policy comments | January 16, 2013

In their comments, the German NGO urgewald and the environmental coalition Klimaallianz focus on the EBRD's support for fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Their recommendations call for a phase out of loans to fossil fuels, a more stringent approach to energy efficiency and a stronger focus on renewables for domestic needs.

Briefing | January 16, 2013

Environmental NGOs would like to highlight opportunities for decision makers to improve key issues of the Cohesion Policy regulations, in order to maximise the benefits that can be delivered to European regions by the future Cohesion Policy and other Common Strategic Framework funds. In addition, they will ensure that the future Cohesion Policy better contributes to reach the Europe 2020 targets, create regional green jobs, enhance economic opportunities and address environmental challenges.

Policy comments | January 15, 2013

As the first step in its review of its Energy Operations Policy, the EBRD asked for input on its current policy before moving on to write the new sectoral strategy. In our comments, Bankwatch highlighted the current policy's lack of restrictions on climate-damaging projects including coal power plants and the need for the bank to adopt strict sustainability criteria in order to ensure that it supports only truly sustainable renewable energy.

Briefing | January 14, 2013

The European Investment Bank has opened a review of its energy policy and called for the public's views on the key future challenges for the bank's operations. The lending figures to the energy sector until 2011 show that the policy must better guide the EIB's lending towards EU policy objectives of de-carbonisation of the energy sector.

Policy comments | January 7, 2013

While not part of the EIB's energy policy review process as such, following an official request for information Bankwatch has received comments submitted by the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission to the EIB as part of ongoing exchanges between the bank and the Commission.

Briefing | January 4, 2013

The French energy and transport conglomerate Alstom is one of the seven finalists for the People's Public Eye Awards 2013. This assessment - done by experts from the Institute for Business Ethics of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland - takes a look at international treaties and Alstom's conduct in relation to them.

Policy comments | December 30, 2012

In Autumn 2012, the European Investment Bank has launched a process of reviewing its energy lending policy in order to align it better with EU climate goals. Bankwatch's comments lay out the case for fossil fuels to 'fall out' of the EIB's future energy lending policy - and for an overall more ambitious, and substantially more climate-sensitive EIB energy policy.

Policy comments | December 28, 2012

Counter Balance is a coalition of European environmental and development organisations that looks into the European Investment Bank's financing with a focus on non-EU activities. The submission therefore emphasises this area, yet also comments on the questions of coal, carbon markets and nuclear lending, given the global effects of these energy sources.

Policy comments | December 28, 2012

In their comments on the upcoming new EIB energy policy the German NGO urgewald and the environmental coalition Klimaallianz focus on issue of coal lending and call for no more public money support for coal fired power plants, neither new plants nor retrofitting.

Policy comments | December 26, 2012

Energy Cities is the European Association of local authorities inventing their energy future. Their submission to the future EIB energy sector lending policy calls for an acceleration of the transition towards low energy cities with a high quality of life for all.

Advocacy letter | December 18, 2012

The letter from Greenpeace to the EBRD explains in more detail why Greenpeace has joined Bankwatch's opposition to the Ukraine nuclear power plant safety upgrade project and has staged a protest action in Kiev in December 2012. Both Greenpeace and Bankwatch fear that some of the crucial arguments are not taken into account by the EBRD staff and Board so far.

Briefing | December 17, 2012

This briefing highlights the opportunity to improve key aspects of the Connecting Europe Facility Regulation on transport to ensure better coherence with EU priorities, to move towards a low carbon and resource efficient transport sector, which is economically and environmentally sustainable. If offered concrete recommendations for Members of the European Parliament's ITRE-TRAN committee for the voting on December 18, 2012.

Briefing | December 17, 2012

This briefing highlights the opportunity to improve key aspects of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Guidelines to ensure better coherence with EU priorities, to move towards a low carbon and resource efficient transport sector, which is economically and environmentally sustainable. If offered concrete recommendations for Members of the European Parliament's TRAN committee for the voting on December 18, 2012.

Briefing | December 15, 2012

Effective planning of objectives and achievable targets for regional development requires the integration of all partners and stakeholders into the planning processes, taking into account their specific knowledge of the local context and so guaranteeing the results orientation of Cohesion funding. This briefing offers guidelines and a set of recommendations for governments in pre-accession countries in order to help them establish and implement the partnership principle with all relevant stakeholders in the programming of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for 2014-2020.

Bankwatch Mail | December 14, 2012

The European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU’s bank and also the biggest public financial institution in the world by lending volume, has launched a public consultation on its energy policy and is seeking views from the public and other stakeholders that should feed into a review of one of the EIB’s most crucial lending sectors. The new policy is expected to take effect from June 2013.