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Bankwatch Mail | December 14, 2012

In the ‘aftergloom’ of two major inter-governmental get-togethers - the latest UN climate talks in Doha and the EU budget summit in Brussels - Bankwatch Mail 54 discusses the revision of the energy lending policies at both the EIB and the EBRD - an opportune moment for both banks to show real climate ambition and turn their backs on fossil fuels. In an interview the new EBRD president Sir Suma Chakrabarti shows that much is moving as the bank juggles such hot potatoes as potential support for Monsanto's expansion into our region while trying to lay down new roots in post-Arab Spring north Africa.

Briefing | December 14, 2012

Bankwatch’s Better Ideas competition invited ideas for projects could be financed by EU funds and that best contribute to the sustainable development in people’s communities. These are the winning projects in each of the participating countries.

Briefing | December 3, 2012

Since the news broke in early November that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering supporting Monsanto, one of the most controversial agricultural corporations, with up to USD 40 million, we have heard voices of protest from across Europe. Last Thursday, Serbian NGOs and anti-GMO activists took their protest to the Belgrade offices of the EBRD

Policy comments | December 3, 2012

The EBRD is updating its country strategy for the Russian Federation. Bankwatch's inputs in the consultation focus on assessing the needs of the updated strategy in view of the political and human rights situation, issues of corruption and transparency in Russia, development impacts of the EBRD's activities and the energy and agriculture sectors.

Advocacy letter | November 19, 2012

Signed by more than 150 organisations, the letter calls on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to not further consider USD 40 million unfunded risk participation in Monsanto's portfolio in Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. The letter explains Monsanto's long and controversial history of transferring its risks onto other people and the environment. It argues that support for this company and the agricultural model it represents is highly inappropriate for a multilateral development bank committed in its statute to promoting “environmentally sound and sustainable development”.

Briefing | November 19, 2012

Environmental NGOs strongly welcome the Common Strategic Framework (CSF) as an Annex of the Common Provisions' Regulation. It is a needed tool to ensure a proper implementation of fundamental principles and approaches of the Regulation that helps ensure that the future programmes will better contribute to reach the Europe 2020 targets, create regional green jobs, enhance economic opportunities and address environmental challenges. This briefing on the parts of the CSF which we support the most, and underlines as well several opportunities for improvements.

Briefing | November 14, 2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Euroatom plan to support the nuclear power plant safety upgrade project in Ukraine. The EU presents the project as a timely initiative to improve nuclear safety in the region. A closer inspection however shows that it in fact can increase nuclear risks, in that the project includes a significant number of measures necessary to extend the lifetime of the reactors.

Advocacy letter | November 12, 2012

With this letter, Bankwatch, Friends of the Earth Europe and BUND/FoE Germany, sent the map of positive EU funded projects - Well Spent - to Chancellor Merkel, asking her to continue advocating for a quick agreement on the future EU budget 2014-2020 and to ensure that the potentials of green spending are being considered in the negotiations.

Policy comments | November 9, 2012

The environmental center EDEN is convinced that the EBRD can play a significant role in supporting Albania's sustainable development and the country’s integration into the European Union. Several examples of previously funded projects show that this is possible. However still the majority of funds go to big scale projects that often harm the environment and social cohesion. These comments pay special attention to EBRD financing in the energy sector.

Advocacy letter | November 8, 2012

Four companies have been shortlisted and invited to submit binding bids for the construction of unit C at the Plomin coal power plant in Croatia. Croatian Bankwatch member group Zelena Akcija/Green Action sent letters to all four companies with information on the legal and economic challenges of the project and the local opposition against it.

Advocacy letter | November 6, 2012

The letter is signed by 42 organisations, reflecting an impressive diversity of stakeholders with a unanimous concern: improving not weakening the partnership principle in Cohesion Policy.

Commissioners for for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Laszlo Andor and Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn responded on behalf of the European Commission on January 18, 2013. Download their letter as pdf.

Briefing | November 2, 2012

The long awaited EBRD Mining Operations Policy was released last week without much noise. It has taken the EBRD more than 3 years to prepare a document which had raised hopes it could improve the bank's activities in the mining sector. Most of these hopes, however, have not been fulfilled.

Advocacy letter | October 17, 2012

On September 8, 2012 new legislation entered into force in Slovenia that requires TEŠ to prepare an assessment of the CCS readiness for its new Unit 6. Pursuant to this legislation, proper assessment of the CCS readiness for the Unit 6 has not taken place yet. As a result, TEŠ has not met the legal requirements regarding the CCS assessment and therefore it is not possible to determine its CCS readiness under the Slovene law.

Letter available as pdf:
Letter to the European Investment Bank >>>
Letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development >>>

Briefing | October 17, 2012

The briefing details the risks that make shares of an Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów Adamów Konin SA (ZE PAK), the second largest producer of lignite in Poland, unattractive and high-risk prospect. Furthermore, investing in ZE PAK through its Initial Public Offering is inconsistent with any investor's efforts to take action on climate change.

Policy comments | October 15, 2012

Neighbouring countries of the EU from the Western Balkans to Ukraine are planning unsustainable energy futures relying on coal and nuclear. The energy strategy of the European Energy Community indicates continued reliance on coal and nuclear energy which could happen with EU support and financing.