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Advocacy letter | September 13, 2012

The letter describes the controversies connected to a potential EBRD loan to Polish energy company ENEA. (Find more information on our blog.)

Briefing | September 10, 2012

To reach the EU agreed climate and energy targets by 2020, the European Commission states that at least 20% of the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 should support climate action. The Coalition for a Sustainable EU budget strongly supports this initiative and ask to increase it to 25% of the next MFF. In order to have a proper legal basis, this commitment should be included in the Negotiating Box and in the Inter-Institutional Agreement.

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Leaflet | August 15, 2012

An illustrated and comprehensible introduction to the European Union's budget, the decision making that leads to it, the impacts it has on our societies and the role that people can play in the process. On eight pages, this guide answers the basic and not so basic questions regarding the EU's financial framework.

Advocacy letter | August 3, 2012

Following up on a meeting between the EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti and civil society groups monitoring the bank taking place July 23 in London, Bankwatch sent the new EBRD president a letter outlining civil society organisations' concerns over the lack of transparency of the mining strategy review process as well as some recommendations for improving this situation.

Briefing | July 30, 2012

This comprehensive briefing offers detailed comments and suggestions on how climate action should and can be implemented and mainstreamed in the future spending period of the EU budget.

Official document | July 19, 2012

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) decided to start an official investigation into the case of the Sostanj lignite power plant in Slovenia due to serious concerns about corruption and conflicts of interests in the granting of the contract to the company Alstom.

(Information on OLAF staff has been blackened on request by the Office.)

Advocacy letter | July 12, 2012

The letter by the Green members of the European Parliament calls for active efforts of the EU representative at the European Bank for Reconstructoin and Development to ensure that the bank's new mining strategy endorses EU principles and standards for resource efficiency, biodiversity protection, poverty eradication, inclusive growth, transparency and public participation in the mining projects the EBRD supports.

Official document | July 10, 2012

The communities in Vreoci request the EBRD to suspend the loan for the Kolubara lignite mine because of the project company's failure to meet performance requirements regarding:
- community health, safety and security
- information disclosure and stakeholder engagement
- land acquisition and resettlement
- environmental and social appraisal management
- pollution prevention and abatement

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Study | July 9, 2012

The study reviews the rationale of EU Cohesion Policy investments in airport infrastructure using the example of Poland. Both the development and maintenance of airport infrastructure benefit from EU, national and regional budget support. Beyond this, public money flows to airline companies, in practice as gratification for opening and sustaining flight connections.

Policy comments | July 6, 2012

Bankwatch's provided comments on the EBRD’s GHG emissions accounting methodology (pdf) in an effort to improve the carbon footprint of EBRD’s investments. We primarily focus on how baselines are set and the treatment of scope 2 and scope 3 emissions.

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Study | July 3, 2012

Halfway through its term in office, the European Commission is off target in creating sustainable long-term prosperity in Europe. The report assesses progress in nine EU policy fields with impacts on the environment and reviews the track record of 13 European Commissioners and Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

Briefing | July 1, 2012

During the Cyprus Presidency the ordinary legislative procedure for adopting the regulatory framework on the future Cohesion Policy shall be concluded.

Advocacy letter | June 25, 2012

Current proposals for the Cohesion Policy's European Regional Development Fund would effectually rebrand gas as a low-carbon energy source in spite of its status as a fossil fuel. This letter, signed by 21 environmental organisations, urges Europe's decision makers not to approve these proposals and instead to ensure that European regional development investments focus on renewable energy sources, smart energy distribution, and energy efficiency measures.