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Policy comments | June 23, 2012

(Download a short version of these comments as pdf.)

As it is now, the EBRD foresees growth in the mining sector and sees its involvement as crucial in this process. At the same time the Bank recognizes that mining can cause significant adverse environmental and social impacts, including permanent ones, and that no single mine can be sustainable since it exploits a finite local resource.

Advocacy letter | June 13, 2012

In this letter, five NGOs and NGO coalitions call on the EIB to undertake consultations according to the best standard as well as to identify and inform a wide range of stakeholders about the revision of the policy.

Briefing | June 10, 2012

Transport is the only sector where greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing. Without decisive new action, transport GHG emissions are expected to grow by 74% until 2050. The Commission has pledged that at least 20% of the proposed €1 trillion EU budget for 2014-2020 will go towards climate mitigation and adaptation goals. This paper outlines how these commitments can be put into practice in the regulations on CEF and the TEN-T guidelines.

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Study | June 7, 2012

Cooperation in the energy sector is one of the European Union’s key priorities in its relationships with neighbouring states. Although the promotion of energy efficiency, energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources should be the primary areas of cooperation along with “energy security”, the latter receives the lion’s share of attention and in several cases also a disproportionally large amount of financial support. This can have several negative environmental and social implications as this study shows.

Advocacy letter | June 1, 2012

Due to a number of so far unfulfilled project measures in an EBRD financed safety modernisation project in Ukraine (K2/R4 post start-up safety modernisation programme), Bankwatch has asked the EBRD's Chief Evaluator for a thorough evaluation before further loans for Ukraine's nuclear energy company Energoatom are being considered.

Bankwatch Mail | May 17, 2012

EBRD efforts to clean up its energy lending in central and eastern Europe are being undermined by extensive fossil fuel investments, with astonishing increases in the EBRD's backing for coal and oil projects in 2011.

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Study | May 17, 2012

Our study shows that almost half of the 6.7 billion euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) between 2006-2011 goes to support for fossil fuels. This will prevent the bank's commendable efforts to increase lending to new renewables and energy efficiency from actually making a difference in the global fight against climate change.

Briefing | May 17, 2012

The briefing summarises the findings of the Bankwatch study 'Tug of War: Fossil fuels vs. green energy at the EBRD'. The study shows that almost half of the 6.7 billion euros lent to energy related projects by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) between 2006-2011 goes to support for fossil fuels. This will prevent the bank's commendable efforts to increase lending to new renewables and energy efficiency from actually making a difference in the global fight against climate change.

Briefing | May 16, 2012

The Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds supports the principle of thematic concentration in the European Commission's Cohesion Policy legislative package from October 2011. However, changes brought forward by some Member States risk hampering a critical mass of investments in areas that help deliver on EU agreed targets by 2020, especially the Europe 2020 Strategy targets.

Bankwatch Mail | May 14, 2012

The 68 MW Ombla underground hydropower project, for which the EBRD approved a EUR 123.2 loan in 22 November 2011, is once again under fire, this time in the European Parliament. Both the project itself and its approval process have attracted widespread criticism from civil society and biodiversity experts as the project location forms part of a future Natura 2000 site. In 2008 the Croatian State Institute for Nature Protection declared the project “unacceptable for nature”.

Bankwatch Mail | May 14, 2012

As it begins to dawn on Europe's elite that fiscal austerity is not working after all, the European Investment Bank is once again the talk of the EU as decision-makers scramble to stimulate national economies that are hemhorraging jobs and living standards - and hope - across the continent.

Bankwatch Mail | May 14, 2012

In February 2009 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, together with the European Investment Bank and the World Bank Group launched a series of meetings with commercial banks, coordinated with the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund, to shore up a weak link in the financial systems of the European Union. The weak link is in so-called ‘emerging Europe’, the countries of central and eastern Europe that are in the EU, but are outside the European Monetary Union, the Euro-zone. These are mostly ex-Communist countries whose financial systems had remained undeveloped under communism.

Bankwatch Mail | May 14, 2012

In recent months bribery and money laundering allegations levelled at a former EBRD banker, as well as revelations that an EBRD staffer, now suspended, is one of the founders of the far-right, racist organisation the English Defence League have not made for great PR for the EBRD.

Bankwatch Mail | May 14, 2012

The European Investment Bank has announced that it will commence a review of its energy policy - “Clean energy for Europe: A reinforced EIB contribution” - in the second half of 2012. Bankwatch welcomed the announcement as the current policy, adopted in June 2007, needs to be brought up to speed and aligned with the latest developments in EU energy and climate policies.