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Briefing | March 26, 2012

The briefing analyses the old Regulation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) (2007-2013) and compares it with the new proposal (2014-2020), with a specific focus on environmental protection and transparency/partnership principle. Since the regulation is not strong enough in neither of these two areas, we provide amendments to the regulation's articles. The briefing is a useful tool for advocating for better environmental protection and improvement of the public participation in decision making in the Western Balkan countries.

Advocacy letter | March 26, 2012

The director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
is of Slovenian origin. He sent an open letter to the Slovenian parliament requesting to deny the state guarantee for a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for Unit 6 at the Sostanj lignite thermal power plant.

Advocacy letter | March 23, 2012

Following a fact-finding mission to Mongolia in June 2011, CEE Bankwatch sent a letter on August 18, 2011 with several questions for clarification to the EBRD. Additionally OT Watch submitted a paper on November 1, 2011 to representatives of the EBRD Board of Directors during their visit to Mongolia. While the EBRD replied to both of these, several issues still need clarification, as there is conflicting information.

Advocacy letter | March 22, 2012

The EBRD and the EIB are considering a loan of up to PLN 800 million to the Polish electricity utility ENEA to support a PLN 3.2 billion investment programme of the company's distribution network. Bankwatch's letter enquires what conditions will be placed on an EBRD loan to ENEA to make sure that the loan does not free the company's assets that it needs to invest in the Kozienice coal-fired unit number 11 in Poland.

A similar letter was sent to both the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (pdf) and the European Investment Bank (pdf).

Briefing | March 15, 2012

The European Commission’s proposed European Code of Conduct has the potential to become a major tool for securing effective partnership, transparency and public participation under the Cohesion Policy. This briefing contains recommendations to further support and realise this potential.

Briefing | March 14, 2012

This briefing outlines a number of aspects that - if improved - would enhance the European Commission’s proposal on the future EU budget and maximize benefits for the regions delivered by the future Cohesion Policy while contributing to reach the 2020 climate, energy and biodiversity targets and creating green jobs.

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Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Issue 51 of our quarterly newsletter with campaign updates and analyses of international development finance issues.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

No sooner had rumours started circulating in January that Robert Zoellick would be stepping down as president of the World Bank than our friends at the Bretton Woods Project fished out their administrator passwords and fired up the World Bank President website once again.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Early in the new year Bankwatch and partner groups lodged two complaints with the EBRD's Public Complaint Mechanism (PCM): one concerning the loan agreement for the Rivne-Kyiv High Voltage Line project in Ukraine, the other concerning the EBRD's Šoštanj lignite thermal power plant loan in Slovenia.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

There is more or less consensus among various stakeholders that developing decentralised renewable energy sources (RES) to feed local energy demand is the only way to build a long-term, truly sustainable, effective and fair way to satisfy Europe’s energy needs.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

It is coming up for three years since the EBRD's 2009 Annual Evaluation Overview Report “alerted Management to develop a new Operation Policy to cover all forms of non-energy related extraction of natural resources (mining policy)”. The EBRD does not appear to have been in any great rush with the preparation of this policy, and one has to wonder how long the bank will allow for the new policy to be consulted with the interested public. More importantly, how influential will public input be in setting the policy objectives and requirements?

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

For a bank tasked to contribute to the 'balanced and steady' development of the internal market in the interest of the EU, the EIB's figures for its financing operations in 2011 (released last month at its annual press conference) induced a certain amount of head-scratching here at Bankwatch Mail.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

The 'Counter Balance: Challenging the EIB' coalition has written to Werner Hoyer, the new president of the EIB, welcoming him to his new post. Hoyer, formerly state secretary in Germany's foreign office and a member of the Free Democrats, the junior partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, becomes the EIB's seventh president, succeeding Philippe Maystadt.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

'Carbon Rising', a new study from Bankwatch, catalogues the EIB's energy lending for the period 2007-2010 during which time the bank loaned EUR 40 billion to energy projects across the EU and EUR 8 billion outside the EU. This lending was guided by the EIB’s first energy policy 'Clean Energy for Europe: A Reinforced EIB Contribution', adopted by the bank in 2007.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Bankwatch Mail invited two specialists, Matt Bull of the World Bank's Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility and David Price of the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, Queen Mary, University of London, to debate the issue of PPPs in the developing world.