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Advocacy letter | March 2, 2012

The letter, sent by the Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget, includes discussion points that are crucial for the future Cohesion Policy regulations. Now, during the ongoing debates in the European Parliament, it is the role of MEPs to ensure that the EU becomes a resource efficient low-carbon economy, shifting Europe’s regions on a sustainable path.

Advocacy letter | March 1, 2012

The letter complains about the EU's negligence of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its lack of scrutiny of two recently approved projects that are set to contravene EU principles and standards: the Ombla hyrdopower plant in Croatia and the Boskov Most HPP in Macedonia.

Official document | February 29, 2012

The EBRD's Board of Directors approved the Ombla hyrdopower plant project on 22 November 2011, before an assessment had been carried out regarding the project's impact on a proposed Natura 2000 site. In addition the project is being carried out on the basis of an Environmental Impact Assessment study from
1999, whose content may not fully reflect the requirements of EU legislation in this area.

Advocacy letter | February 28, 2012

A look at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's investments in the Ombla hydropower plant in Croatia and the Boskov Most plant in Macedonia reveals that the EU does not make full use of its shareholder role in the Bank and allows approval of the projects that contravene EU principles and standards.

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Official document | February 23, 2012

For many years TES 6 has been surrounded by rumours of corruption. In February 2012 the Slovene State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption published a report stating that acts of corruption could have influenced the awarding of the contract to French company ALSTOM and that the law on the state guarantee itself was initially drafted by employees of HSE, the owner of the Sostanj power complex.

Slovene NGO Focus Association for Sustainable Development has translated the report to English. (The original report (in Slovenian language) is available for download here (pdf).)

Study | February 22, 2012

Last year, the Romanian government applied for allocation of approximately 75 million tonnes of emissions allowances free of charge in the period 2013-2019. In return, our government proposed a national investment plan that includes 22 (out of 24) fossil fuel installations and would result in 36 percent of the proposed new capacity coming from coal.

Study | February 16, 2012

How can fossil fuels and uranium be kept in the ground and agrofuels off the land in ways that do not inflict suffering upon millions? Mainstream policy responses to these issues are largely framed in terms of "energy security". Yet far from making energy supplies more secure, such policies are triggering a cascade of new insecurities for millions of people.

Advocacy letter | February 15, 2012

A broad selection of Swedish NGO's have joined Bankwatch's call to phase out fossil fuels lending by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The open letter, sent to the Swedish Minister of Finance, Anders Borg, reminds the Swedish government that as one of the EIB's shareholders, the country bears responsibility for how EIB resources are not sufficiently contributing to sustainable development.

Briefing | February 15, 2012

The current EU commitment to a low carbon and resource efficient economy has significantly influenced the proposed Cohesion Policy objectives for the 2014-2020 period. Besides the mobilisation of financial resources for the achievement of the Europe 2020 strategy targets, it is important that a strong focus is kept on the results of EU support. Bankwatch has therefore taken a critical look at the proposed common indicators for the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

Policy comments | February 14, 2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is revising its country level transition indicators, which help measuring the impacts of the bank's lending.

Bankwatch's input comments on the EBRD's current indicators and proposes to include indicators that more concretely could illustrate the EBRD's impact on the environment and the lives of people in its countries of operation. Specifically, our indicators pertain to aspects of inequality, gender, labour standards, life satisfaction and resource efficiency.

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Study | February 8, 2012

The next European budget (2014-2020) is being decided in troubled times but such difficult timing also constitutes an opportunity. If smartly used, the next budget can help Europe improve its economic stability and create more jobs while at the same time reducing its unsustainable ecological footprint. This study reveals that investing in green sectors brings about positive employment benefits.

Study | January 31, 2012

This report, authored by hydrogeologist and geochemist Dr. Robert Moran, reveals that Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of the Kumtor gold mine, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight.

Briefing | January 31, 2012

The briefing summarises findings of a report, authored by hydrogeologist and geochemist Robert Moran. The report reveals that Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of the Kumtor Mine, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight.