Home >> Publications >> Destroying future NATURA 2000 sites in the Balkans. The European Commission's role in steering the EBRD's investments

Destroying future NATURA 2000 sites in the Balkans. The European Commission's role in steering the EBRD's investments

The letter complains about the EU's negligence of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its lack of scrutiny of two recently approved projects that are set to contravene EU principles and standards: the Ombla hyrdopower plant in Croatia and the Boskov Most HPP in Macedonia.

The European Commission's lack of engagement with the EBRD's decisions have to be seen against the background of the European Parliament and Council's decision on the EBRD's 4th Capital Resources Review in November last year that explicitly asked the EU Governor at the EBRD to ensure the Bank contributes to EU objectives.
