Home >> Publications >> High risk of corruption in Sostanj TES 6: Report by Slovenian Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (unofficial translation)

High risk of corruption in Sostanj TES 6: Report by Slovenian Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (unofficial translation)

For many years TES 6 has been surrounded by rumours of corruption. In February 2012 the Slovene State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption published a report stating that acts of corruption could have influenced the awarding of the contract to French company ALSTOM and that the law on the state guarantee itself was initially drafted by employees of HSE, the owner of the Sostanj power complex.

Slovene NGO Focus Association for Sustainable Development has translated the report to English. (The original report (in Slovenian language) is available for download here (pdf).)

The report also described cases of abuse of power by the management of the company responsible for the project as well as negligence on the side of public bodies in properly supervising the investment.

The Commission states that in order to protect the public interest all of the allegations should be carefully examined. Investigations into the possible unlawful acts at TES 6 have already been opened at the National Investigations Office and by the police in the town of Celje. The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption has also called on the Slovenian Prosecutor General to establish a special group for further investigating this case.
