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Policy comments | May 7, 2012

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has developed draft methodologies in order to assess project greenhouse gas emissions from its projects. Bankwatch's comments provide recommendations on how to improve the methodology used in order to support the EU’s climate goals. Our comments primarily focus on how baselines are set and the treatment of scope 3 emissions. The document also discusses the way in which we believe the bank needs to use the outcomes from its GHG calculations.

Policy comments | May 6, 2012

One of Bankwatch's main concerns with the EBRD's municipal and environmental infrastructure strategy is the bank's approach towards public-private partnerships, which one the one hand is more cautious than before. On the other hand however, while the bank's analysis recognises some of the drawbacks, it still too openly promotes them.

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Study | April 30, 2012

In light of the new proposed Regulation for the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), Bankwatch has compiled case studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia to illustrate the lack of political will to properly implement EU principles on public participation. This represents a significant problem in the implementation of the IPA funds in these countries.

Briefing | April 28, 2012

If implemented as currently planned, the road bypass of the town of Gabrovo, and the tunnel under the Shipka mountain - a project supported by EU funding - will harm a Natura 2000 zone and national biodiversity protected area. This briefing paper gives details on the project and calls on the European Commission to remind Bulgarian authorities of the need to allow for public participation and conduct an environmental assessment that takes alternatives into consideration.

Policy comments | April 28, 2012

These comments from the Bulgarian Civic Coalition for sustainable use of EU funds identifies problematic issues and discrepancies between transport policy documents at EU and Bulgarian level. It offers concrete suggestions to overcome those problems and to improve the decision making process of the Bulgaria Operational Programme for Transport for the period 2014-2020.

Briefing | April 25, 2012

Centerra Gold’s announcement that the February 2012 ice and waste fall into the Kumtor pit will result in a cutback in gold production indicates that the measures the company has put in place to address the causes of past pit wall failures have been ineffective since those measures were not effective at preventing Davidov ice and waste from falling into the open pit and causing the current production cutback.

Briefing | April 13, 2012

The rehabilitation of the Kiev-Chop road, financed with the help of EBRD and EIB loans, was part of the preparations for the Euro 2012 championships in Poland and Ukraine. Due to a negligent implementation, the project resulted in local people having to face dangerous, even life threatening situations every day.

Advocacy letter | April 10, 2012

In its letter, the independent union at the Kolubara mine points at extremely difficult and inhumane working conditions and their employer's reckless attitude toward employees. The union calls on the EBRD to not extend a loan to the Kolubara lignite mine before workers' rights are being respected.

Advocacy letter | April 6, 2012

With the letter Bankwatch requests information about the status of the Centerra Gold Revolving Debt Facility and raises issues and findings from the recent reports on the company’s performance.

Policy comments | April 5, 2012

These comments, prepared the Arab NGO Network for Development together with Bankwatch suggests improvements for the model of consultations between the EBRD and civil society organizations. It is particularly relevant in view of the upcoming civil society consultations in the southern and eastern Mediterranean as the EBRD prepares to extend its lending to the region.

Briefing | April 1, 2012

The European Commission’s legislative proposals for the future EU Budget have made some promising changes but they are not ambitious enough to meet the level of current challenges. While CAP spending still needs a radical overhaul, the proposals on the other funds need to be strengthened to ensure leadership from the EU Budget that supports a sustainable and prosperous European economy and inspires all of Europe and the world.

Advocacy letter | March 30, 2012

While Lydian International is reporting on progress in its talks with the EBRD about an aquisition of company shares by the bank and on receiving project approval from the Armenian government, the EBRD has yet to publish project related documents in line with its public information policy.

Advocacy letter | March 30, 2012

In its letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bankwatch member group CEKOR discusses issues related to the Kolubara lignite mining project that have not yet been clarified. Among them is the fact that the EBRD's loan is indeed connected to the resettlement of the Vreoci community, something which the EBRD has denied so far, and the so far vague claim that the project will contribute to emission reductions and environmental improvements.

Briefing | March 28, 2012

While central and eastern European countries can use EU funds as a financial tool helping them to meet the requirements of European waste directives, the money is not spent in line with these directives. This case study explains why, focusing mainly on the waste hierarchy as one of the key principles of EU legislation.

Advocacy letter | March 27, 2012

With the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the process of selecting a new president, Bankwatch calls on the bank’s shareholders and new president to reassess some of its past - faulty - approaches.