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Study | January 30, 2012

The report, based on a fact finding mission to the Tavan Tolgoi and Oyu Tolgoi mines in Mongolia, examines the social and environmental impacts of mining in Mongolia. It offers a more in-depth look at the impacts on herders who have been displaced by the mining operations, the local effects of the construction of infrastructure and the mining operations themselves.

Briefing | January 23, 2012

The 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (EU budget) will be a decisive tool for Europe to demonstrate that it can achieve economic and social prosperity by committing to a decarbonised, resource and energy-efficient and socially just economy. This briefing recommends to further strengthen the European Commission's budget proposal by shifting allocations and spending priorities to sectors of the green economy, eventually helping to create more jobs and future proof green markets.

Advocacy letter | January 20, 2012

The letter criticises the environmental assessment of the Nuclear power plants safety upgrade programme (SUP) in Ukraine. It concludes that the assessment insufficient and does not fully elaborate the objectives and consequences of the SUP.

Official document | January 17, 2012

Bankwatch, Slovenian NGO Focus and Environmental Legal Service (CZ) ask the EBRD's Project Complaint Mechanism to undertake a compliance review of whether the bank has complied with its Environmental and Social Policy 2008 in relation to two aspects of the Sostanj lignite thermal power plant:
(a) Claims by the EBRD that the project in question is "CCS ready" and
(b) the EBRD's assessment of whether Slovenia can fulfil its obligations in meeting long-term EU climate goals if it undertakes the project.

Advocacy letter | January 16, 2012

The European Investment Bank responded to the study Carbon Rising: European Investment Bank energy lending 2007-2010 in which Bankwatch analysed the energy lending by the EIB since the institution launched its energy policy in 2007.

Bankwatch's rejoinder to the EIB's letter can also be downloaded as pdf.

Briefing | January 15, 2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Euroatom plan to support the nuclear power plant safety upgrade project in Ukraine. The EU presents the project as a timely initiative to improve nuclear safety in the region. A closer inspection however shows that it in fact can increase nuclear risks, in that the project includes a significant number of measures necessary to extend the lifetime of the reactors.

Official document | January 10, 2012

The loan agreement between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the Rivne-Kyiv High Voltage Line project (connected to the controversial "Second Backbone Corridor") included significant parts of the project that were not assessed in the obligatory environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) prior to project approval.

Briefing | January 10, 2012

The Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget advocates that a number of amendments to the Commission legislative proposal concerning the next Cohesion Policy funds should be supported by the European Parliament and Council if the next EU regional funds are to play any significant role in the transition towards a low-carbon, sustainable European economy.

Official document | January 9, 2012

The complaint, filed with the European Investment Bank by Environmental Law Service (CZ) and Focus Association for Sustainable Development (SI), outlines controversies in relation to the Sostanj lignite thermal power plant with regards to the following aspects:

  1. insubstantial allegation that the project is „carbon capture ready“ and that the assessment submitted by the operator fulfils the criteria set up by the relevant EU Directive,
  2. failure to comply with the relevant EU directive for public procurements,
  3. questionable economic viability of the project.
Advocacy letter | December 15, 2011

The letter criticises the environmental assessment of the Nuclear power plants safety upgrade programme (SUP) in Ukraine. It concludes that the assessment insufficient and does not fully elaborate the objectives and consequences of the SUP.

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Study | December 8, 2011

The study analyses energy lending by the EIB, the world's largest public bank, since the institution launched its energy policy in 2007. While lending to renewables has increased in the period 2007-2010, support for fossil fuels has also risen, almost doubling from 2.8 billion euros in 2007 to 5 billion in 2010.

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Study | December 7, 2011

This toolkit (available in different languages) was prepared by Bankwatch partner and member groups to help civil society organisations from the Western Balkan region better understand the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) and to learn about EU experiences in programming of the EU funds.

Briefing | December 6, 2011

Cohesion Policy plays an important role in steering local economies towards sustainability. Green investments however still remain limited in the Commission’s proposal for a reformed Cohesion Policy - a missed opportunity as it stands now. This NGO briefing suggest solutions strengthen the proposal in order to achieve the fundamental energy and environment targets for 2020.

Briefing | December 5, 2011

The graphs in this briefing illustrate the EBRD's energy lending 2006-2010. Investments in renewable energy were at least 6 times higher in the EU New Member States than in eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Although all EBRD countries of operation need such investments dearly, non-EU countries that are not stimulated by EU renewable energy targets arguably need the EBRD's support even more.