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Bankwatch Mail | February 28, 2002

In this issue dedicated to the 'No Reform, No Money' campaign:
EIB: NO REFORM NO MONEY! EIB: No Responsibility for Development, EIB Information Policy * EIB - a Friend to the Environment * Bulgaria: Nuclear plant or EU Membership * EBRD to Fund Project Under Legal Challenge * Clear Targets for Climate Change Needed

Briefing | February 2, 2002

A case study prepared for the campaign "No Reform No Money"

The campaign urged EIB shareholder countries to condition the replenishment of the bank's capital on substantial improvements in public access to information, environmental standards, a proper development mandate, and appropriate supervision by EU institutions.

Bankwatch Mail | December 7, 2001

In this issue: Oil Terminal in Ramsar Site * K2/R4 Progress * Energoatom * EIB/EBRD Accountability * NEMAK Aluminium Project * ISPA Projects * Forest Development Project in Romania

Bankwatch Mail | April 7, 2001

In this issue: EBRD: Language Apartheid * K2/R4, Bratislava Bridge * Motorway in Bulgaria * Public Transport in Hungary * Pulp Mill in Latvia * 10th birthday of Espoo Convention * New Study on IFIs in Russian Oil Sector

Briefing | September 4, 2000

Located at almost 4,000 meters in the remote Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan, the Kumtor gold mine is believed to be the eighth largest gold field in the world. In 1998, a cyanide and sodium hypochloride spill associated with the mine reportedly left several people dead, hundreds seeking medical treatment, and thousands evacuated.

Bankwatch Mail | May 7, 2000

In this issue: Caspian Oil attracts EBRD *Kumtor Gold Mine: Two years later *K2/R4: Is the Blackmail Over? *The World Bank exploring new ways of dialogue with NGOs *The EBRD Knows that K2/R4 Is a Bad Project *CEE Training Opportunity on Globalisation *Decommissioning Fund: the Long-awaited Solution? *Prague 2000 Public Awareness Activities

Bankwatch Mail | March 7, 2000

In this "Jellyfish Issue - World Bank-NGO relations": World Bank-NGO Relations: An Overview * A Crippled CAS In Slovakia * World Bank Aids CEZ to Fund Czech Nuclear Power * Ripples from the EIB Report Reach EIB Executive Suite * Prague 2000 Activities on the World Bank

Study | December 31, 1999

International financial institutions (IFIs) around the world have been asked in recent years to take on new policy issues, in an effort to improve their performance and transparency. Many have made a concerted effort to do so, although to mixed reviews. One important exception is the European Investment Bank (EIB), a secretive bank of the European Union (EU). When other IFIs are taking steps to address these policy issues, the EIB has shown the least amount of change.

Bankwatch Mail | November 7, 1999

In this issue dedicated to participation: Balkan Groups Cite Investment Priorities for Post-War Reconstruction *Delta Lloyd Said NO to Nuclear Investment *Paving Over Public Participation *EU Accession: Is Anyone Thinking of Alternatives? *Czech Public Concerned By EU Pre-Accession Funding *CEE Bankwatch Network Goes West *EIB Supported Project in Storm of Corruption *Estonia to Lower Emission Standards? *Lithuanian Greens Stop Construction of Airport in Curonian Spit National Park *New Coal Power Station in Georgia *Macedonia to Become a Medical Waste Dump for the Balkans?

Bankwatch Mail | August 2, 1999

In this World Bank AGM issue: Balkan Reconstruction * EIA In Estonia * Lithuanian Airport * Nuclear Reactors In Eastern Europe * Energy Efficiency Funds Unused In Ukraine

Bankwatch Mail | August 2, 1999

In this EIB Issue: EIB - Eminence Grease of Europe * EIB: Europe's Biggest Bulldozer * EIB Highway In Bulgaria * World Bank And Lithuanian Airport * Who In Ukraine Wants Nuclear Reactors?

Bankwatch Mail | April 1, 1999

In this EBRD issue: EBRD Bankers Gone Crazy? * Rushing For Caspian Oil * Kumtor's Gold * K2/R4 * Nuclear Safety Account