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Advocacy letter | May 16, 2007

On June 15, 2007 EBRD answered this appeal. Download the response as pdf here.

Advocacy letter | May 5, 2007

From the Azeri group Oil Workers Rights Protection Organization Public Union

On June 4, 2007 EBRD Secretary General issued a ruling against this appeal. Download it as pdf here.

Advocacy letter | May 2, 2007

The letter contains the following enclosures:

Board of Executive Directors, European Investment Bank

Cc: Philippe Maystadt, President European Investment Bank

Re: Outstanding Concerns on Bujagali Hydropower Project, Uganda request for postponing of the vote

Study | May 1, 2007

With the production of its Project Implementation Completion Report (ICR) in December 2006, the World Bank signaled that its role in the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project had ended. However, numerous outstanding environmental, livelihood and compensation problems remain for those impacted by the project. This report argues that the World Bank must revisit the Extractive Industries Review's recommendations and fundamentally rethink its approach to extractive industries and other high risk projects if these types of investment are to be more than a reckless gamble with the lives of the poor.

Advocacy letter | April 19, 2007

The bulk of NGO recommendations on the EIBs Anti-Corruption Policy are contained in the notes below, but it is also possible to make a few general points. We welcome EIBs commitment in the preamble of the policy to the principle of not tolerating corruption, fraud or other illegal acts in any of its activities or operations. However, we believe that the Banks policy as it stands does not go anything like far enough. The Bank must be much more proactive in combating corruption, acting earlier to pre-empt illegal acts and more aggressively to root them out after they occur.

Study | April 18, 2007

This report finds that the multi-million euro loans of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in the transport sector are helping to fuel climate change and have made little or no contribution to the more progressive goals of the EU White Paper on transport, especially those on modal shift and decoupling transport from economic growth. The report analyses the EUR 112 billion that the EIB provided to transport projects in the period 1996-2005.

Bankwatch Mail | April 18, 2007

In this issue: Planes, loans and automobiles * Kyrgyzstan’s government rejected HIPC shackles thanks to public pressure * Editorial: Double standards for how much longer? * The nuclear white elephant in Bulgaria’s room * Rospuda interview – EU law in the driving seat * First PPP motorway in Russia to cause problems for thousands of people * Your voice in Europe: support the Green paper on urban transport

Briefing | April 17, 2007