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Policy comments | September 13, 2007

This submission complements the first one presented by the above organisations during the first round of public consultation on the European Investment Banks new policy on anti-fraud and anti-corruption matters. Although the EIB recognises the complexity of anti-corruption issues and the need to bring in external consultants or relevant European institutions, it is unclear how this will be reflected in the policy which the EIB aims to finalize before the end of the year.

Advocacy letter | September 10, 2007

On October 4, 2007 EIB responded to this letter. Download the response as pdf here.

Advocacy letter | September 9, 2007

On October 31, 2007 president Lemierre responded to this letter. Download the response as pdf here.

Advocacy letter | September 3, 2007

On September 17, 2007 EBRD responded to our letter. Download the response as pdf here.

Official document | August 22, 2007

From the Administration of Rosprirodnazor (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage) of the Sakhalin region. English translation from Russian provided by Pacific Environment.

Advocacy letter | August 8, 2007

8 August 2007
Reference number: 092

Alistair Clark
Director, Environment and Sustainability Department
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, United Kingdom

Cc: Elizabeth Smith, Senior Environmental Advisor

Mark King, Head, Environmental Policy and Implementation

Alke Schmidt, Principal Environmental Advisor

Doina Caloianu, Manager of Outreach and NGO Relations

Subject: Mittal Steel Temirtau [MST]; ID: 3324

Dear Mr. Clark,