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Study | November 5, 2007

This report aims to inform the ongoing review of environmental and social practices within the EIB by examining the standards endorsed by the EIB in a variety of social policy areas, and identifying international best practices against which the EIBs new framework will invariably be judged. Specifically, it will focus on five different social policy areas in which EIB policy remains unclarified and underdeveloped; social assessment, human rights, communities participation and consent, labour rights, and gender equality.

Official document | October 18, 2007
Study | October 4, 2007

While at times technical and full of jargon, the information published by the IMF can be important for civil society organizations that want to hold their governments to account for decisions made on economic policies. Especially important is how governments spend their money. This can often be constrained by the decisions of the IMF. Only by using all information and resources available will civil society organizations, such as those trying to improve health systems, be able to confront governments and international institutions and advance reform.

Advocacy letter | October 2, 2007
  1. experience has shown that oil pipeline and oil transportation projects are intrinsically linked with harmful environmental and social impacts
  2. poor maintenance of the existing oil pipelines has led to continuous contamination of land and water
  3. public opinion is too often disregarded and decisions on energy projects are taken without the early and well informed participation of the public
  4. decisions are too often made in favour of political and business interests outside of the affected countries
  5. prioritisation of fossil fuels is contributing to climate change
  6. in view of this we are concerned about planned oil pipeline projects such as the AMBO, Pan-European and Burgas Alexandrupolis pipelines which are being developed with the support of major political and corporate powers
  7. the region is not sufficiently exploiting its potential for renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency.
Briefing | September 26, 2007

A database of the EIB's investments in the energy sector from 2002-2006, compiled from the EIB's annual reports, shows that most of its investments in this sector went to gas as well as electricity distribution.

(For an analysis covering the years until 2008, please see our study Change the lending, not the climate.)