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Briefing | May 19, 2008

The EBRD continues to assert the need to increase power efficiency and to develop renewable energy sources. This is why NECU are not entirely clear about the apparent readiness of the EBRD to support a project which has so many weak points and is an integral part of the national strategy that includes measures which have been criticised by the EBRDs experts. The EBRD should be making efforts to help the Ukrainian government develop a power strategy which is much more effective. It should also support projects that aim to increase energy efficiency and the independence of the Ukrainian economy.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

Since Georgias independence in the early 1990s, due to financial constraints maintenance and repair works at most of the water utilities have been neglected. In order to improve the situation in the water sector, several Georgian city councils have approached the EBRD for financing. While some of the aims of the projects should be welcomed, the decision-making processes, implementation of the projects and the lack of public consultation has caused concerns about the outcomes of the projects.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

The Chelopech Mining project is separated in two parts: Phase 1 focusing on environmental improvements; and Phase 2 proposing the expansion of metals production through the introduction of cyanide leaching technology. EBRD approved a USD 10 million loan for Phase 1 in 2004. Phase 2 has been under review since 2005, and there has been no progress due to the blocking of the project by the Bulgarian Ministry for the Environment and Waters at the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) stage in March 2006.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

In May 2007 the LUKOIL Company signed a USD 300 million loan contract with the EBRD and other multilateral banks to finance an environmental security scheme of the LUKOIL group subsidiaries. The borrowed funds were supposed to be used for implementing environmental projects by a number of company divisions including LUKOIL Komi LLC. The loan is believed to help decrease the volume of associated gas, reduce water consumption and pollutant content in sewage, arrange waste management and reconstruct industrial pipelines.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

The terminal is to be located inside the industry park near a thermo-power plant which has already received lending support from the EBRD, European Investment Bank and the World Banks International Development Association.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

The Western High Speed Diameter (WHSD) is a 46 kilometre toll motorway, part of the IX Pan-European Transport Corridor linking St. Petersburg with Scandinavia. The road has been presented as a strategic investment priority for St. Petersburg by the Russian authorities and international financiers as it is going to be the first public-private partnership in Russia as well as the first toll road in Russia. Yet there are serious doubts that the WHSD will make St. Petersburg a better place.

Briefing | May 17, 2008

The Gazela Bridge over the Sava River in Belgrade, Serbia, is more than thirty years old. The bridge was projected for 30000 v/day, currently is servicing more than 150000 v/day. The bridge has never been repaired and urgently needs reparation. The EBRD approved Euro 25 million loan for the reconstruction of approaching roads to Gazela Bridge to the Public Enterprise Serbian Roads.

Bankwatch Mail | May 16, 2008

In this issue: Why is the EBRD tacitly backing Ukraine's nuke-centric, inefficient energy plans? * Football and PPPs do not mix * Renewables continue to get a rough ride in Georgia * Other transitions are out there – but not as the EBRD knows it * Wake up and smell ArcelorMittal - global case studies reveal who picks up the tab for steel giant * PIP squeaks again: no end in sight to info disclosure constipation at the EBRD

Advocacy letter | May 15, 2008

Dear Mr Popov

Chelopech Mining project - phase 2

Thank you for your letter of 2 May, 2008 in which you share with us your concerns about Chelopech Mining Project (copy attached for reference).

Publication thumbnail
Study | May 13, 2008

The publication shows how local residents, workers and the environment pay the price for ArcelorMittal's success. The compilation contains case studies examining Mittal's IFC- and EBRD-financed plants in Romania, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan.

Bankwatch Mail | April 28, 2008

In this issue: Bottom line additionality in Kazakhstan as more miners die * Campaign successes amidst the Black Weeks * New map of projects points the way to environmental and social justice in CEE * Feeding the Asian Tigers: Lack of environmental teeth in ADB’s energy strategy * Counter Balance: Challenging the European Investment Bank * European Parliament looks for more added value from the EIB * Energy Matters: new Bankwatch report and film explore big industry developments in Albania * Going nuclear: the EIB's waiting game continues * EBRD crackdown on “open markets” in Ukraine * They’ll