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Briefing | June 24, 2008

This article deals mainly with EU funds allocations for energy efficiency, renewables and sustainable transportation. The data used in the analysis is taken from the allocations planned in the National Operational Programmes (OP) in the CEE-10, which constitute the key programming documents for distribution of the EU funds at national level.

Advocacy letter | June 10, 2008

Global Action on ArcelorMittal is appalled by the recent accident in ArcelorMittal owned Tentekskaya, mines in the Karaganda region of central Kazakhstan. Five miners are feared dead following an accident on the early morning of June 2, 2008 following a cave-in and methane leak. This is the second accident in the companys Kazakh mines this year, after 30 miners were killed in a mine explosion in January. Our sincere sympathies are extended to the families of the miners who have lost their lives.

Official document | June 10, 2008

Official presentation on the Rapid Environmental Assessment for the industrial and energy park, Porto Romano, Albania.

Advocacy letter | June 3, 2008

On July 24, 2008 Croatian Ministry of Environment responded to above letter. Download the response as pdf here.

Bankwatch Mail | June 2, 2008

In this issue: EU billions must help to reduce waste, not boost it * European Investment Bank urged to stop fueling the incineration fire * Zero waste, zero pain * The EIB undermines Africa * Strange bedfellows: the EIB’s huge fossil fuels portfolio is smothering clean energy initiatives * A deluge of public subsidies for Ethiopian dam projects, but public benefits missing * Public consultation on EIB environmental policy at last, but problems persist * Czech roads paved with whose gold exactly?

Study | May 29, 2008

The European Investment Bank is mandated to promote EU policy with its project investments and invested over EUR 1.5 billion in 33 waste management projects between 2000 and 2006, the majority of which were in the EU. If the EIB is to truly support the implementation of EU policy, this bias towards incineration investments must be halted.

Briefing | May 19, 2008

In 2007 the EBRD approved a USD 100 million loan for ArcelorMittal Temirtau (AMT), a metal and mining complex in the Karaganda region of Central Kazakhstan in order to support further improvements to Mittal Steel Temirtaus health and safety practices at its coal mines in Karaganda with the aim to bring them in line with international best practice.