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Study | May 20, 2007

This paper summarizes development and humanitarian aspects on climate change. Its focus is on analysing the impacts on poor societies in the developing world and shows the possible measures to cope with this problem. It was prepared by CDE and Glopolis for the international seminar "Climate, agriculture and development- CEE NGO advocacy"

Advocacy letter | May 20, 2007

We the NGOs who attended the EBRD AGM in Kazan on May 20-21, 2007 would like to offer a suggestion for the use of the EBRD record profit of Euro 1,7 billion to stimulate energy efficiency in our region. We believe that since the EBRD was created to assist the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in their transition, the profit should be used to create public good in the region.

Official document | May 18, 2007
Advocacy letter | May 18, 2007

Unfortunately, the plans for Sochi to host the Olympics contradict the noble goals of the Olympic Movement, since they combine severe damage to the unique biological diversity of the North-West Caucasus, the destruction of globally significant nature sites, major and violation of Russian environmental legislation. These plans, contrary to the Olympic Charter, do not contribute to "to building a better world". These plans also contradict EBRD Environmental Policy.

Bankwatch Mail | May 18, 2007

In this issue: The need for diversification in the Russian economy: a role for the EBRD? * Sakhalin II problems persist despite ownership fight * EBRD tries to shrug off devastating Kashagan oilfield impacts * Aarhus Convention ignored by IFIs in Albania * Squeezing the poor: the EBRD’s role in privatisation in Montenegro * More EBRD money to fund more Mittal tragedy in Kazakhstan?