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Bankwatch Mail | June 15, 2005

In this EIB monothematic issue: EIB’s proposed revision to Information Policy – a step backwards *The EIB in developing countries – a blessing or a curse? * Large dams, big trouble * Positives undermined: the EIB’s lending for renewable energies * Taxpayers’ money drowned with EIB assistance * Bratislava’s bridge of sighs – EIB content to wipe its hands clean * The Memory Hole * Hunt on for new Communications and Information Director at EIB * EIB reform posters heading to Brussels and Luxembourg

Study | May 21, 2005

This publication explores the EIB's investments in renewable energy projects, focusing on financing through the intermediary banks via global loans. The EIB's refusal to provide any exact information on the subject while referring to its disclosure policy, was a driving force behind the survey made by Bankwatch Network and FoEI between January and March 2005. They asked 386 financial intermediaries to provide a list of renewable energy projects financed through the EIB global loan credit line over the period 1999 to 2003. Sporadic reactions from the intermediaries resulted in no evidence about a concrete renewable energy project being financed from the EUR 300 million allocated by the EIB.

Bankwatch Mail | May 15, 2005

In this EBRD monothematic issue: EBRD coughs up for labour rights abuser * Winds of change at the EBRD? * Energy cross roads - it´s make up your mind time for the EBRD * Are the IFIs responsible for the Tulip Revolution? * Sustainable transport: DELAYS AHEAD * Baku Ceyhan documentary wins audience prize at international human rights film festival * Rosia Montana campaigner wins 2005 'Environmental Nobel' * Clean energy bankable home and away

Bankwatch Mail | February 24, 2005

In this issue: Sakhalin II hots up * EBRD: It´s time to combat climate change * Extracting benefits: moving beyond voluntary revenue transparency * EU funds: Quantity and quality must go together * Kresna victory: Sofia rapped over Bern Convention breaches * New Bulgarian coalition formed to optimise Structural funds for 2007-2013 * DOE-no! Another pointless mega-project * EBRD transport policy: How the transition countries can escape the “transit” ghetto * It´s a funny old game! * Banca Intesa pulls out of BTC * The Memory Hole

Bankwatch Mail | September 7, 2004

In this World Bank monothematic issue: Troubling trends in the IFC’s Social and Environmental Safeguards review * Oil & development: The World Bank's test case in Africa * If there's mess around your house, don't blame the dustman … talk to his managers * Back To Controversy * The carbon spin doctors: How the World Bank explains emissions trading to journalists * Need some ERUs? Ask the World Bank's PCF how to get more * New Bankwatch publications

Official document | August 7, 2004

The World Bank Group annonced in 2000 it would conduct a comprehensive assessment of its activities in the extractive industries sector (oil, gas, and mining production EI). This included, the Extractive Industries Review, an independent stakeholder consultation process headed by Dr. Emil Salim (former state Minister for population and Environment, Indonesia). Dr. Salims report produced a number of recommendation for the institutions future involvment in the sector.

Bankwatch Mail | June 7, 2004

In this EIB monothematic issue: Public Funds for Public Benefit – new NGO campaign launched * Mónica Ridruejo uncensored * EIB outside Europe but not out of sight * The IFC’s “no” to controversial Slovak paper mill followed by the EIB’s “yes” * Is thinking big the way to Stability? * BTC campaigner persecuted in Turkey * EIR for all – including the EIB * Dubious gains: the EIB’s involvement in the Slovak rail system * Access denied: the EIB’s mythical Information Policy

Bankwatch Mail | April 7, 2004

In this EBRD monothematic issue: Energy but not for Sakhalin * EBRD takes action on Uzbek human rights* EBRD must make “publish what you pay” stick * K2R4: the never-ending story * The EBRD and Smithfield Foods: Polish pig farmers stuck in the middle * Filling the EBRD’s natural resources and energy policies void * European Parliament boosts the MDBs renewables debate * The green alternative for Georgia: an interview with Manana Kochladze

Bankwatch Mail | March 7, 2004

In this monothematic issue dedicated to the Extractive Industries Review: EIR: some unfinished business * Is this an independent, far-reaching review I see before me? The World Bank’s EIR stage fright * Renewables 2004 – will the banks engage or switch off? * Romania’s mining woes continue * World Bank barking up the wrong tree in Georgia * EBRD returns to Sakhalin * EIB gets away with it - again * Key independent EIR recommendations to the WBG

Official document | December 1, 2003

The document is available on the Council of Europe's website.