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Study | September 22, 2006

This new study, based on a field research in April 2006 by Bankwatch and Gender Action, examines the gender impacts of the BTC pipeline project in Azerbaijan and Georgia, and the Sakhalin II oil and gas project on Sakhalin Island.

Bankwatch Mail | May 30, 2006

In this issue: Cohesion or Collision? EU funding and biodiversity * Shell's Sakhalin project no friend of people or nature * People's right to know not fully reflected in EIB's new plans to show * Will the neighbouring countries' biodiversity be bulldozed by TEN-T extension? * EIB 1996-2006; Evolution of an invisible giant * New Citizen's Guide for better use of internationally recognised complaint mechanisms * Saaremaa bridge- a crazy Estonian dream * EU waste strategy and public funds must not go up in smoke

Bankwatch Mail | May 21, 2006

In this issue: Forging the future, without faking it * Prostitution, trafficking, and STDs on the rise in EBRD oil projects * The EBRD's PIP show * Azerbaijan's oil boom showing troubling signs * Georgia's economic situation less than rosy * New energy targets don't tell the whole story * EBRD's kiss and tell reinvents transition * The memory hole * New Zagreb waste strategy fails to justify incineration

Bankwatch Mail | March 3, 2006

In this issue: Sakhalin fishermen’s struggle for justice * Can the EIB deliver on development? * The memory hole * Scraping the bottom of the end-of-pipe barrel * Social issues SOS from EBRD Environmental Department * Time to wake up from South-East Europe’s pipeline dreams * Nukes and cronies in the Balkans * Two or three Americans: Wolfowitz and his Republican appointees * World Bank helping to tarnish jewels of Polish nature * EIB in the South. In whose interest? * We will not be moved * EU funds in central and eastern Europe: cohesion or collision?

Study | January 14, 2006

The new report by Environmental Defense and Bank Information Center, examining the World Bank Group's implementation of its post-EIR commitment to factor governance into decisions about the selection and sequencing of extractive industries operations.

Study | December 13, 2005

“Grounded in Washington", a report from Bankwatch and Bank Information Center, finds that the World Bank Group's implementation of its Extractive Industries Review (EIR) in Europe and central Asia is neglecting a significant number of commitments which the Bank's managment signed up to in October last year. Our on the ground investigations into six WBG supported extractive projects has revealed uneven EIR implementation.

Study | December 10, 2005

Based on several NGOs assessment, the reports concludes that the World Bank Group's implementation of the EIR, including direct Management commitments, has been disappointing. Governance considerations, relevant to the extractive industries, are not systematically applied and do not appear to be having any influence on project selection or sequencing. Operational polices across the board are relying heavily on Bank staff discretion, both for Development Policy Lending and project lending.

Official document | December 9, 2005

This paper provides a report to the Board on progress in implementing the Management Response to the reports of the Extractive Industries review and the World Bank Groups's own evaluations. It follows abn interim update to the Board in July 2005. The paper overviews key extractive industries (oil, gas, mining - EI) related developments in the last year, summarizes WBG activities in the sector in the year, and reviews specific progress in implementation of the MR.

Official document | November 4, 2005

Striking a Better Balance

Executive Summary

English | French | Russian | Spanish )

Volume I:

The World Bank and Extractive Industries

Study | October 11, 2005

Report reveals the real impacts of BP's Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline and catalogues the Georgian people's unfulfilled hopes of increased welfare and development arising from BP's billion dollar project, hopes which have been fuelled by project backers the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Bankwatch Mail | September 20, 2005

In this World Bank monothematic issue: Key IFC review threatens Wolfowitz's noble mission * Czech Republic's carbon cowboys exposed * World Bank rubs salt into Uzbek wounds * Why Serbian pensioners are calling World Bank reforms 'genocidal' * The Memory Hole * Canadian mining company discovering more than it bargained for in south-east Bulgaria * EIR still not getting through in Russia or in Washington