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Advocacy letter | April 11, 2007

On May 8, 2007 EBRD answered this letter. Download the response as pdf here.

Also on June 13, 2007 mr Alistair Clark, Director of EBRD's Environment Department sent the following letter.

Study | April 11, 2007

As the new member states are negotiating their EU funding plans for 2007-2013 with the European Commission, the report shows that the 177 billion euros to be spent in these countries is on a collision course with the EU's commitments to avoid climate change. The spending plans feature remarkably little in the way of clean and efficient energy, while in the transport sector they focus on road building at the expense of public transport.

Advocacy letter | October 31, 2006

On November 24, 2006 Francois Delcuellerie, EC Desk Officer for Croatia answered to this letter. Download the response as pdf here.

On September 3, 2007 Marijan Galovic of Green Action sent update to the originall letter. Download it as pdf here.

On January 28, 2008 Croatian Ministry of Environment responded to the above. Download the letter as pdf here.

Bankwatch Mail | October 31, 2006

In this issue: Race against time to salvage EU funding for sustainable energy in the new member states * Bulgaria’s nuclear dowry * Customer complaints hit EIB shopping centre loan in Hungary * Hot air could become hotter in Ukraine * EBRD Environmental Policy Review is rolling * Short cuts over houses required for more growth in Slovakia * Toxic dump in a marine reserve? * World Bank Group’s renewable energy numbers exposed * NGO energy report * EBRD pigs to fly again?