Home >> Publications >> New Slovene legal requirements for Šoštanj lignite power plant (TEŠ 6) regarding CCS

New Slovene legal requirements for Šoštanj lignite power plant (TEŠ 6) regarding CCS

On September 8, 2012 new legislation entered into force in Slovenia that requires TEŠ to prepare an assessment of the CCS readiness for its new Unit 6. Pursuant to this legislation, proper assessment of the CCS readiness for the Unit 6 has not taken place yet. As a result, TEŠ has not met the legal requirements regarding the CCS assessment and therefore it is not possible to determine its CCS readiness under the Slovene law.

Letter available as pdf:
Letter to the European Investment Bank >>>
Letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development >>>

In the letter Bankwatch and partners informed both banks about these developments. In order to ensure that all the projects they finance are in compliance with national and EU legislation, we call on the Bank not to disburse any funds before TEŠ complies with the national CCS legislation.
