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Bankwatch Mail | March 7, 2013

The industry frenzy surrounding the development of shale gas in Europe is gathering pace, with the announcement in late January of a EUR 400 million deal between Shell and Ukraine to develop the country’s shale gas potential.

Bankwatch Mail | March 7, 2013

Kurt Bayer, until recently Austria’s executive director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has for several years maintained an interesting blog covering issues such as the Eurozone crisis and development finance more generally. Following his departure from the EBRD, might we start seeing a few more revealing insights from Mr Bayer about life – and some of its frustrations – at 1 Exchange Square, London?

Briefing | March 5, 2013

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) are public development banks, which should lend money only for environmentally sustainable projects. Yet in reality, while both banks are increasing their investments into energy efficiency and renewable energy, they are undermining this by financing coal and other fossil fuels. Since both banks are adopting new energy policies in 2013 now is the time to act.

Briefing | March 2, 2013

The key objective of the European Commission's proposal on the Multi-annual Financial Framework was to get an EU budget that is more policy-driven, fit for the challenges of the 21st century and supporting a green transition in order to assist the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. In contrast the European Council deal mainly focuses on vested national interests and net contributions, failing to agree on a forward looking budget able to tackle European challenges and consistent with EU environmental targets by 2020.

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Study | February 28, 2013

This publication, prepared in close cooperation with national NGO coalitions and the support from external experts, aims to contribute to the elaboration of Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes by proposing concrete measures to be financed, targets to be set, performance indicators to be applied and investment needs to be met - all with a focus on a policy that can foster sustainable development and catalyse the transformation to a low energy-consuming, renewable-based and resource efficient society.

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Advocacy letter | February 28, 2013

276 organizations from all 27 EU Member States signed this letter to ask European Parliamentarians for a better reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.

Policy comments | February 20, 2013

The partnership principle is one of the main principles of Cohesion Policy. Even though still under negotiation it is foreseeable that the new legislation for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 will enshrine substantial progress in further establishing the partnership principle, i.e. providing for a comprehensive involvement of EU Cohesion Policy stakeholders into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU funds’ investments. This document aims to present the divergence between the agreed principles of the partnership and current experiences in central and eastern European countries.

Advocacy letter | February 15, 2013

The letter, signed by 39 organisations, outlines ongoing concerns about the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia, which is currently under consideration for financing by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The project, one of the largest and most complex infrastructure investments proposed by the EBRD, poses a significant environmental and social risk to the local communities, as well as to the country at large.

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Briefing | February 15, 2013

In 2012, Bankwatch organised a series of contests among citizens in the region to propose sustainable project ideas. This paper is a summary of recommendations based on the numerous proposals we received. The recommendations aim to improve the involvement of citizens in the process of planning and programming of the next EU budget, and for the sustainable development of European regions.

Briefing | February 15, 2013

Environmental NGOs are alarmed that a new own initiative report on Cohesion Policy and energy might be considered sufficient by some REGI MEPs to consider that the rejection of fossil fuels subsidies in ERDF is put into question – overruling the clear REGI mandate voted in July 2012. To ensure consistency, the REI MEPs should maintain the REGI mandate as it is and oppose any fossil fuel subsidies in ERDF.

Briefing | February 11, 2013

Environmental NGOs emphasise that, with very long lifetimes for transport infrastructure, today’s decisions on EU transport spending will set the path for transport beyond 2050 and into the next century. Yet, in light of the EU budget negotiations, there will not be enough funding for all the projects in the Connecting Europe Facility annex or the TEN-T maps to get off the ground. This briefing therefore focuses on how to make the most of the limited funds available, and to avoid the major cost-overruns and delays that have plagued TEN-T policy to date.

Policy comments | February 10, 2013

Quote from the WWF comments: "The EIB’s objective should support the EU’s 2050 decarbonisation goal. An EIB substantively revised energy lending policy should precludes investment in assets that lock‐in high carbon emissions and instead focuses on delivering a European zero‐emission energy system by 2050."

Advocacy letter | January 30, 2013

This letter from Claude Turmes (Greens), Alojz Peterle (EPP) and Kathleen van Brempt (S&D) calls upon the European Investment Bank’s President Werner Hoyer to withhold the disbursement of EIB funds for the Šoštanj lignite power plant project in Slovenia due to ongoing corruption investigations and the project's questionable economic viability.

Briefing | January 16, 2013

Environmental NGOs would like to highlight opportunities for decision makers to improve key issues of the Cohesion Policy regulations, in order to maximise the benefits that can be delivered to European regions by the future Cohesion Policy and other Common Strategic Framework funds. In addition, they will ensure that the future Cohesion Policy better contributes to reach the Europe 2020 targets, create regional green jobs, enhance economic opportunities and address environmental challenges.