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Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

"When the winds of change blow," says an old Chinese proverb, "some build walls, and others build wind mills."

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

At the time of writing, it is highly uncertain what the future holds for the controversial 68 MW Ombla underground hydropower plant. Approved for financing by the EBRD back in 2011, only recently has a nature impact assessment study finally been published, and no final opinions have been given by either state institutions or the EBRD on whether the project is to go ahead.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

The attention of the environmental community in Armenia has recently been focused on events swirling around the Deno Gold Mining Company (DGMC). The company has been contending with rising tensions in Kapan as a result of its laying off of workers at its gold mining operations coupled with failings at its Geghanush tailings facility. The controversies have arisen just as the company awaits disbursement of a new loan from the EBRD.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

The new EBRD country strategy for Russia that will apply for 2013-2015 attracted input and comments from several human rights and environmental watchdogs, among them Human Rights Watch, WWF, Greenpeace and Bankwatch. As part of the consultation on the new strategy, NGOs expressed concerns about the current political and social situation in Russia as well as the dangers of natural resource development. The comments were incorporated into the strategy document but it remains unclear if NGOs were able to influence actual decision-making.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

A European Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan to the SVL group, granted with no public oversight, threatens new oil-related catastrophes.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

In its recent report, 'The great enablers: how investments by international financial institutions threaten the fragile Caspian Sea ecosystem', Crude Accountability describes how investments in the Caspian Sea region by international financial institutions, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, are contributing to the intensification of extraction of and trade in the region's oil and gas.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

This year's flurry of reviews to EBRD sectoral, country and operational strategies has given civil society organisations plenty to think about and provide input on. However, in the case of at least one of the reviews, we already have a pretty good idea what we will say. Because we've said it before – several times.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

Energy is the watchword of the day, as we keep increasing the need for it, no matter the costs, apparently. Well, the costs do matter but they are distorted by subsidies old and new, for fossil fuels and for renewable energy sources, while the global business world is made to feel increasingly insecure by the price of carbon emissions.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

A new report by Greenpeace Croatia, using European Environment Agency methodology, shows that the planned new 500 MW unit at the Plomin coal power plant in Croatia will cause approximately 17 early deaths annually, along with around 3970 lost working days due to illness and EUR 124.8 million in external costs.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

Following confirmation at the beginning of March that the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are paying out half a billion euros in loans for a new unit at the Sostanj lignite power plant (TES 6) in Slovenia, 98 organisations sent an open letter to both banks calling on them to never commit to such misguided loans again.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

Amasra, situated on the south coast of the Black Sea, is an ancient city that these days bases its economy on tourism and fishing. It’s the beginning of April and the women's market is welcoming the first tourists of the year with fresh cheese, home-made pasta and vegetables. On the wall in a nearby cafe hangs a large poster with the slogan: “Amasra does not need a power plant”.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

EBRD policy must take a stance: will it limit the ways in which stakeholders interact with each other and with the environment by adopting technical and procedural solutions? Or will it aim to promote shifts in social relations, in line with its mandate to promote sustainability and democratisation in its countries of operation? In this briefing, Bankwatch recommends a number of improvements in the EBRD's Environmental and Social Policy and its Public Information Policy to better reflect the needs of the public.

Briefing | May 10, 2013

These comments emphasise the EBRD's Project Complaint Mechanism's strengths and weaknesses. Bankwatch hopes they can lead to further improvements in the EBRD's accountability mechanism.