Home >> Publications >> Letter to Commissioner Potocnik: NGO concerns over the Transitional National Plans pursuant to the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU

Letter to Commissioner Potocnik: NGO concerns over the Transitional National Plans pursuant to the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU

This letter to Commissioner Janez Potocnik outlines serious concerns regarding the optional "Transitional National Plan" (TNP) derogation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The TNPs provide an opportunity for the coal industry and governments to pollute more compared to the general pollution limits set by the IED. In some cases using this derogation makes retrofitting plants economically viable, because thanks to the derogation they are given more time to meet the IED pollution limits.

The letter was sent by Bankwatch, Client Earth Poland, Climate Action Network Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Frank Bold Society and Health and Environment Alliance.
