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Balkan coal news

Bankwatch in the media | July 20, 2016

Despite the commitments defined by the Energy Community Treaty, most of the investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans are still directed to coal plants

Energy & climate
Bankwatch in the media | July 5, 2016

Malgré leur impact sur l’environnement, douze centrales sont en activité, réparties entre la Bosnie, la Serbie, le Monténégro, le Kosovo et la Macédoine. Dix-sept autres devraient être construites à l’horizon 2030.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | June 28, 2016

The possible cancellation of the Serbian government’s decision to construct a new 350 MW unit at the Kostolac B lignite power plant was discussed on June 23 at the national administrative court of Serbia.

Chinese investors
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Bankwatch in the media | June 15, 2016

Nakon 5 godina kampanje protiv izgradnje štetne termoelektrane na uvozni ugljen Plomin C, ostvarili smo veliku pobjedu! Ministar gospodarstva Panenić izjavio je kako je realizacija ovog projekta zaustavljena. Sigurni smo kako nakon uvjerljivih argumenata protiv izgradnje te okolnosti koje su uslijedile, Vlada nije niti imala drugog izbora nego zaustaviti Plomin C, kažu u priopćenju Greenpeace, Zelena Istra, Zelena akcija i CCE – Bankwatch network.

Energy & climate
Press release | June 14, 2016

The Croatian Minister for Economy, Tomislav Panenić, yesterday confirmed that the 500 MW Plomin C coal plant project has been stopped.

Commercial banks
Energy & climate