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Balkan coal news

Blog entry | December 19, 2016

The World Bank has this week published the Investigation Report of its Inspection Panel for the involuntary resettlement of residents in the village of Hade near Pristina in Kosovo. The investigation, undertaken following a complaint by current and former Hade residents and KOSID, confirms that considerable and un-repairable damage was caused to Hade residents during displacement, in order to open the way for the mines of the proposed "Kosova e Re" power plant.

World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | November 16, 2016

Oppressive noise and a cloud of dust engulf the residents of Roșia de Jiu and Rogojel, villages located next to Romania’s Rovinari power plant. In a new video, Bankwatch Romania has documented the toll that producing coal energy is having on these communities that live near the lignite mines, transport belts and power plant at Rovinari.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | November 14, 2016

Now is the time for southeast Europe to start an inclusive and just transition away from lignite, argues new Bankwatch research.

Chinese investors
Export credit agencies
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Press release | November 14, 2016

Promises for new jobs in south-east Europe’s coal sector are exaggerated, a new Bankwatch report reveals. Hardly any coal operations across the region are economically viable, and as a result many coal workers, especially in the mines, are set to lose their jobs, even if the plans for countless new power plants materialise. Governments, coal workers and their wider communities need to work together towards a just transition.

Chinese investors
Export credit agencies
World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Press release | November 8, 2016

Progress – albeit uneven - is being made towards increasing sustainability in South East Europe’s energy sector, according to a new scorecard report launched today by a group of NGOs. CO2 emissions, electricity losses and energy intensity have all seen decreases in most countries in the region, but less progress has been made on increasing the share of solar and wind energy and tackling corruption.

Energy & climate
Resource efficiency