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Balkan coal news

Press release | June 14, 2017

Almost none of the new coal power plants planned in the Western Balkans will meet new, stricter EU pollution standards, according to a new analysis by CEE Bankwatch Network, released today.

Download the analysis as pdf.

Chinese investors
Export credit agencies
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | June 12, 2017

Unsuccessful in making a coal power plant reduce abhorrent pollution levels, the village of Golemo Selo, Bulgaria is trying to “move” to a new municipality, hoping to have more say in matters concerning its citizens’ health and livelihoods.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | June 8, 2017

Levels of particulate matter (fine dust) in Rosia de Jiu, Romania were up to 20 times above the limit suggested by the World Health Organisation, show the results of our independent monitoring.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | June 1, 2017

The European Union’s and China’s joint commitment to climate action is tarnished by Chinese support for and the EU’s neglect of coal projects in the Balkans, as a new briefing shows. But it is still not too late to change course.

Chinese investors
Export credit agencies
Energy & climate
Blog entry | May 16, 2017

Green Home, a Montenegrin environmental non-governmental organisation, on Friday submitted a complaint to the Administrative Court of Montenegro requesting the cancellation of the environmental approval for the controversial Pljevlja II coal power plant the government seeks to build.

Energy & climate