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economic feasibility

Planned coal power in the Balkans will breach new EU pollution standards - analysis

Almost none of the new coal power plants planned in the Western Balkans will meet new, stricter EU pollution standards, according to a new analysis by CEE Bankwatch Network, released today.

Download the analysis as pdf.

Guest post: The last coal plant in the Western Balkans?


The Stanari lignite power plant in Bosnia officially starts operations today. If we are to have any hope of tackling climate change, it had better be the last one in the region.

Montenegrin power plant feasible only with creative accounting


Just as everyone else was going on holiday, on Friday night the Montenegrin parliament approved two decisions laying the ground for the controversial Pljevlja II lignite power plant. But a look at the project documentation released by the government shows that the project’s economics only add up with some giant leaps of faith.

Bosnia and Herzegovina signs deal for Tuzla 7 coal plant construction - but its economics are shrouded in mystery


In spite of an updated construction contract for a new unit at the Tuzla coal-fired power plant, the project's economic feasibility remains a puzzle with missing pieces.

Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

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