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The worst was yet to come - ludicrous air pollution in Romanian village


Levels of particulate matter (fine dust) in Rosia de Jiu, Romania were up to 20 times above the limit suggested by the World Health Organisation, show the results of our independent monitoring.

Noul grup energetic Rovinari va adânci dependenţa României de cărbune

Source: Matei Dobrovie, The Epoch Times Romania

Construirea unui nou grup energetic la Rovinari va face ca România să se adâncească şi mai mult în dependenţa de cărbune, a declarat astăzi Ioana Ciută, coordonator campanie pe energie în cadrul reţelei Bankwatch.

UPDATE 7: Juncker on the investment offensive ... against Europeans, the economy and the environment

Labelled the €1.3 trillion investment offensive, more than 2000 projects have been identified by the European Commission’s new Task Force on Investment (made up of representatives of the EC, EIB and member states) for fast-tracked financing from President Juncker’s recently announced €315 billion stimulus plan.

European Commission opens infringement procedure against Romania over coal mine

Bucharest -- The European Commission has opened an infringement case against Romania regarding the lignite quarry extension at the Rovinari complex in Gorj County. The Commission suspects Romania of not complying with the EU Directive concerning the environmental impact assessment of projects.

[Campaign update] Rovinari power plant put on ice


A silver lining has appeared for the people of Rovinari with the set-up of a joint venture for a new lignite-fired power plant being put on hold. The town of Rovinari already suffers under heavy pollution from the existing plant.

Romanian government is seeking financial support in China for time travel into a lignite past


The renewables capacity installed in Romania has grown tenfold in the last five years and constitutes 23 percent of Romania's installed energy capacity. Still, the government is pushing for new lignite-fired power plants.

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