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Balkan coal news

Blog entry | September 5, 2013

The global campaign to make the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development restrict its coal lending may have found new allies in Nordic countries after their declaration yesterday to seize overseas coal investments.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | September 4, 2013

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development received a little surprise visit this week from 16 000 voices against coal.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | August 28, 2013

As part of the consultation on its energy sector strategy the EBRD next week hosts public meetings in Istanbul, Belgrade and Moscow to discuss with civil society from its countries of operation. While public pressure is increasing to end coal financing it is important to note that restrictions to carbon-intensive investments must be strictly and clearly defined in the strategy document if they are to improve the EBRD's climate impact. An article from Bankwatch's 2012 annual report (pdf) illustrates how a too flexible approach allows the EBRD to greenwash also very dirty investments.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | August 26, 2013

On Monday Polish NGOs Client Earth, Workshop for all Beings, Greenpeace, WWF and local community group Eco-Kociewie petitioned the General Director of Environmental Protection to cancel the environmental impact assessment permit for the Polnoc Power Plant in northern Poland.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | August 14, 2013

In case you missed it, the tectonic plates just shifted in the world of international financial institution (IFI) energy lending.

Energy & climate