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Balkan coal news

Blog entry | August 1, 2013

For the last couple of years, we have been calling on the European Investment Bank to drop coal lending. Finally, we’re starting to see some results.

Energy & climate
Press release | July 22, 2013

London – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published July 19 a draft (pdf) of its future energy policy. According to CEE Bankwatch Network, although the bank correctly depicts the urgency of transitioning towards low-carbon economies, it falls short when it comes to commitments: lending to fossil fuels is envisaged to continue, including for coal, the dirties of fossil fuels; and promises to support renewables and energy efficiency, though welcome, are not accompanied by persuasive benchmarks and timelines.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | July 18, 2013

Adequate decision making on energy policies must be based on accurate information and cannot rely on outdated knowledge and misconceptions. A new series of fact sheets explores the myths and facts of Europe’s energy sector.

World Bank Group
Energy & climate
Blog entry | July 5, 2013

It may have been easy in the past for Europeans to bash the US for being retrograde when it comes to climate policies, but after last week it will get more difficult to do that.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | June 21, 2013

Public discussions about the Plomin coal power plant's health impacts show how both project promoters and public authorities prefer to ignore or play down uncomfortable arguments and evidence against the project.

Energy & climate