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Бенквоч в прессе

Politico | 05.10.2015

The European Investment Bank said Monday it is working to find out if any of its loans to Volkswagen to boost research into cleaner engines and other green technology were instead used to rig cars to cheat on emissions tests.

“We are looking into our exposure, we are looking into seeing where the individual loans have been used,” said Jonathan Taylor, the bank’s vice-president.

energetika-net | 30.09.2015

Marubenijev financijski savjetnik neće financirati TE na ugljen u bogatijim zemljama

Politico | 30.09.2015

The Volkswagen Group received more than €4 billion in loans from the European Investment Bank over the last decade, with much of the money going to research aimed at developing cleaner engines.

The world’s largest carmaker is embroiled in a global scandal after installing so-called defeat devices in 11 million of its diesel cars to cheat on emissions standards tests, a scandal that has cost the CEO his job, opened the company to a potential fine of $18 billion in the U.S., pummelled the stock price, and prompted investigations across Europe.

Radio România Actualitaţi | 30.09.2015

Asociaţia Bankwatch Romania şi guvernul ţării noastre atrag atenţia că Ucraina desfăşoară programe nucleare asupra cărora planează suspiciunea că încalcă tratatele internaţionale.

Dennik | 30.09.2015

Ukrajina chce predĺžiť životnosť jadrových reaktorov, slovenská vláda chce vedieť viac, ale Kyjev napriek záväzkom mlčí.

Ukrajina práve rozhoduje o nebezpečnom projekte. Hlasy domácich kritikov sa snaží umlčať a susedné vlády, vrátane tej našej, ignoruje. Bezpečnostný garant a financmajster veľkej časti projektu, Európska komisia, žiaľ, vysiela nejasné signály.

Carbon Pulse | 22.09.2015

The board of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on Tuesday approved a new climate lending strategy, which held the climate-focused portion of the bank’s total lending at 25% but aims to take climate considerations into account in all disbursements and focus on projects with more impact.

Kyiv Post | 22.09.2015

There’s an ill wind blowing in Vinnytsa Oblast, and if one of Ukraine’s biggest agriculture companies keeps growing, things could get worse for the people living nearby, environmental, corporate and bank watchdog organizations from the European Union and Ukraine say.

MyronivskyHliboproduct (MHP), which runs the biggest poultry farm in Europe near the village of Ladyzhyn southeast of Vinnytsa, was the subject of two reports released this September after a fact-finding mission of six environmental watchdogs visited the area in May.

The Ecologist | 15.09.2015

The respected Russian campaign group Sakhalin Environment Watch is being forced to choose between registering as a 'foreign agent' label and closing down, writes Oliver Tickell. Environmental campaigning, it seems, is now a 'political activity'.

duurzaamnieuws | 14.09.2015

De grootste kippenproducent in Oekraïne, Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), slacht jaarlijks naar schatting 332 miljoen kippen en staat op het punt de productie met 70% te verhogen. MHP krijgt daarbij ruim baan van de Oekraïense overheid, exporteert tegen gunstige voorwaarden naar Nederland en profiteert bovendien van een half miljard aan leningen van internationale ontwikkelingsbanken. Bij de schaalvergroting spelen ook Nederlandse banken en bedrijven een rol. Intussen ondervinden de bewoners in de omgeving van Europa’s grootste kippenstal steeds meer overlast van stank en zwaar verkeer en worden zij onder druk gezet om hun land te verpachten. Met het rapport Chicken Run heeft SOMO de bedrijfsstrategieën van MHP en de daaruit voortvloeiende impact op omliggende dorpen in kaart gebracht.

Radio Labin | 11.09.2015

Otpor protiv izgradnje termoelektrane Plomin C nastavlja jačati na međunarodnoj razini. Jučer su protiv ovog projekta održane dvije akcije – u Parizu i Zagrebu. Cilj obje akcije je prisiliti francusku banku Crédit Agricole, koja je preuzela ulogu financijskog savjetnika za Plomin C, da se povuče iz ovog projekta.