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Бенквоч в прессе

Nezvisne novine | 29.03.2015

BANJALUKA - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, te se predviđa da će u slučaju ispunjenja planiranih scenarija regija imati višak od čak 56 odsto struje, dok će zemlje s najviše energije za izvoz biti BiH i Srbija.

Pokazalo je to najnovije istraživanje, koje su za potrebe organizacije "CEE Bankwatch" sproveli Univerzitet u Groningenu i konsultantska kuća "Advisory House".

The Slovak Spectator | 25.03.2015

UKRAINE is prolonging the lifespan of its 15 nuclear reactors from the Soviet era without a public environmental impact assessment (EIA) – thereby violating international law.

SEEbiz | 22.03.2015

LONDON - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, pokazuje novo istraživanje koje su, za potrebe organizacije CEE Bankwatch, proveli Sveučilište u Groningenu i konzultantska kuća Advisory House.
Autori studije pišu da zemlje imaju ambicije da postanu izvoznici energije, ali upozoravaju da bi lokalne vlade morale uzeti u obzir razvoj događaja u susjednim zemljama koji bi novoplanirane energetske objekte učinile ekonomski neodrživim, kaže se u analizi koja je u posjedu redakcije SEEbiza.

various sources | 20.03.2015

A growing apetite for new power plants, mainly coal-fired, in the western Balkans could end up with many of them becoming `white elephants, a study released by CEE Bankwatch Network on March 19 warns. Media across the region reported on the findings:

Glacier Hub | 17.02.2015

In light of the Mount Polley tailings dam spill in British Columbia, Canada, environmental activists in Kyrgyzstan are ringing alarm bells over a possible scenario of a similar outburst at Petrov Lake near the Kumtor gold mine project. At Mount Polley, the tailings dam at a copper and gold mine burst in August last year, spilling 25 million cubic meters of toxic waste into nearby lakes. The British Columbia provincial government appointed a commission to probe into the disaster.

ENDS | 21.01.2015

The European Investment Bank (EIB) will announce a new climate strategy before the Paris climate conference, it said this week as it launched a consultation on how to improve climate-related lending.

Political Critique | 13.01.2015

It is not easy to find anywhere in Europe as much determination as in Poland for building new coal. The only place to find a similar coal enthusiasm is at the door step of Europe, in the Balkans, looking set to be fuelled by Chinese money. But even there the future of coal is shaky.

EurActiv | 06.01.2015

China is preparing a fresh investment push into central and eastern Europe, promising more than $10 billion in loans for energy and infrastructure projects to be discussed in Belgrade this week.

Financial Times | 06.01.2015

In the pale sunlight of an unseasonably warm December day, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday cut the ribbon to open the Mihailo Pupin Bridge, spanning the Danube in west Belgrade.

bne | 06.01.2015

A Chinese agreement to finance a high-speed railway from Belgrade to Bucharest was one of around $10bn worth of investments, mainly in the energy and infrastructure sectors, signed during a China-Central and Eastern Europe summit this week. By funding the railway, Beijing hopes to establish a rapid connection from Greece’s Pireaus Port through the Balkans to the EU member states of Central Europe.