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Бенквоч в прессе

RTCC | 08.10.2014

Former Slovenian prime minister Alenka Bratusek branded “vague and evasive” in EU Parliament interrogation

Serbia Energy | 02.10.2014

Japan’s Marubeni Corporation and France’s Alstom – who have together been chosen as the preferred bidding consortium for the Plomin C* coal power plant project in Croatia – have a poor integrity record including several convictions for corruption offences which should raise alarm bells and increase vigilance among the Croatian public and potential financiers of the project, according to a new paper by CEE Bankwatch Network, published today.

RTCC | 01.10.2014

Central European countries reject renewables and efficiency goals as part of EU’s 2030 climate package

EUObserver | 25.09.2014

Transparency, once a 'conditio sine qua non' for democracy and good governance, is suffering a clear backlash in Europe.

Energy Post | 25.09.2014

Ukraine’s energy sector faces unprecedented challenges, from a reliance on expensive fossil-fuel imports to inefficient infrastructure and markets. But rather than viewing this as a vulnerability, Ukraine’s energy sector is potentially a low-hanging fruit for reform, notes a new report from the NGO CEE Bankwatch Network.


Over 20 articles in European media

European Voice | 15.09.2014

Business groups have welcomed Juncker's new 'streamlined' Commission structure, but green campaigners have decried the loss of dedicated environment and climate commissioners.

Reuters | 03.07.2014

SARAJEVO, July 2 (Reuters) - An over-reliance on coal and scant progress in diversifying energy sources will force Balkan nations to increase power imports to keep the lights on this winter and drag down their struggling economies, traders and experts say.

Green by Blue | 02.07.2014

Are Georgia’s hydropower plans really the road to prosperity?