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Бенквоч в прессе

The Verb | 03.12.2015

As the climate talks roll on in Paris, there’s a certain smell in the air. It isn’t the apples or chocolate being handed out at the entrance to the conference centre, nor the popular free coffees being handed out by the German government. It’s the smell of greenwashing. And this isn’t the first time.

IRIN | 02.12.2015

BISHKEK, 2 décembre 2015 (IRIN) - High in Kyrgyzstan’s Tian Shan Mountains, the twin effects of climate change and gold mining have combined to pose a potential environmental and human health disaster. A melting glacier is feeding a rapidly expanding lake, which experts fear could burst its banks and overrun a mine tailings pond, releasing toxic waste into the region’s water system.

Republikein | 30.11.2015

Die ministerie van die om­gewing en toerisme is bewus van die terrein by die Dundee Precious Metals-aanleg op Tsumeb waar arseen in groot sakke in die wind en weer lê en meen ’n langtermynoplossing is die totale verwydering van alle materiale wat tans daar geberg word.
Só het die omgewingskommissaris van die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme, mnr. Teofilus Nghitila, Donderdag gesê in reaksie op ’n artikel in ’n dagblad na aanleiding van ’n internasionale verslag. In dié verslag word aangevoer dat Dundee arseen op ’n oop perseel “opgaar” voordat dit verkoop en uitgevoer word.

Wyborcza.biz | 28.11.2015

- Zabili mi wszystkie ryby i jeszcze bezczelnie kłamią, że nic się nie stało - mówi Roman Iwanowicz Depa i pokazuje zdjęcia.

Depa hoduje ryby w zbiorniku wodnym przy elektrociepłowni w Dobrotworze. Siłownia należy do oligarchy Rinata Achmatowa i jego koncernu DTEK. W noc przed wyborami prezydenckimi z 24 na 25 maja zeszłego roku w elektrowni doszło do awarii i do jeziora wypuszczono wodę o temperaturze ponad 40 st. Dopuszczalna norma to 32 st.

BNE Intellinews | 26.11.2015

Pristina is moving towards a deal with US-based ContourGlobal on the planned Kosova e Re power plant, which at a cost of €1bn will be the largest investment in the country’s history.

The government says the project will solve Kosovo’s chronic electricity shortages by replacing the aging Kosova A thermal power plant - considered Europe’s worst polluter - with a modern 500MW plant. However, the strong opposition to the plans to build a new coal-fired power plant close to the capital could add to the ongoing unrest within Kosovo.

Namibian Sun | 25.11.2015

The Tsumeb-based mining company responded yesterday to questions sent by Namibian Sun on Monday, following an article that was published by international non-government (NGO) group BankWatch which claimed that the waste disposal site at the Tsumeb Smelter is piling up with arsenic left from the smelting of European ore – sparking fears of soil and water contamination.
DPM spokesperson Alina Garises says BankWatch has a long history of being against mining of any sort.

Vita International | 24.11.2015

Almost 40 years ago Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia. The area is now attracting concerns from environmental organizations, rather than tourists.

Almost 40 years has passed since the world-famous saga Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia, in an area which offers beautiful natural scenery and resources. Notwithstanding its cinematic fame, the city of Tataouine – after which the planet Tatooine was named in George Lucas’ film – has not become a touristic mecca as one could expect.

New Era | 24.11.2015

An international non-governmental organisation has accused Dundee Precious Metals of stockpiling arsenic, which they say was left over from the smelting of copper from Europe.

CEE Bankwatch Network fears that the stockpiling of arsenic could eventually contaminate the soil and water in the Tsumeb area where Dundee is based. Dundee yesterday said they would respond to the allegations at a later stage.
Minister of Environment and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta yesterday said he is not aware of the allegations, but noted that his ministry is closely monitoring the situation.

ZDF | 24.11.2015

Ein globales Netzwerk hat dem Klimawandel den Kampf angesagt und will Investoren zwingen, Kohle-, Öl- und Gaskonzernen das Kapital zu entziehen.


Regional Express | 20.11.2015