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Бенквоч в прессе

Politico | 26.01.2016

Central and Eastern European countries “misspent” billions worth of EU public funds on fossil fuels instead of on renewables and energy efficiency, NGOs CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe said in a report released Tuesday.

Examining the spending plans for current 2014-2020 EU budget cycle for Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, the two NGOs found that of the €178 billion in regional development and cohesion funds aimed at CEE countries, only 7 percent will be spent on greener forms of energy.

Agrepres | 26.01.2016

Nouă state membre UE din Europa Centrală și de Est, printre care se numără și România, țin pe loc progresele realizate de blocul comunitar în combaterea încălzirii globale prin faptul că nu reușesc să investească fondurile oferite de Bruxelles pentru dezvoltarea energiilor regenerabile, arată un studiu publicat marți, informează DPA.

Namibian Sun | 19.01.2016

Dundee Precious Metals (DPM) says the international environment watchdog CEE Bankwatch is making false and misleading claims about exposure to arsenic as alleged by the town’s people.
DPM argues that Bankwatch’s claims are not supported by the regular health surveys conducted in Tsumeb under the supervision of the Namibian government and independent medical specialists.
Bankwatch said in a statement issued on December 22, 2015 that information available to it “shows that arsenic levels have been way above safe limits defined by health institutions.”

Asian Power | 12.01.2016

China is awfully torn between coal power reduction and further growing its exports.

When the OECD agreed to restrict subsidies for coal-fired power plants’ exports, both investors and the press had a field day. It was a big step in curbing the growth of global coal-fired power generation and it could have been a phenomenal day for the power industry--except that China, the biggest elephant in the room, was missing when the coal power reduction pact was made.

Oslobođenje | 08.01.2016

Međunarodne razvojne banke finansiraju veliki broj hidroelektrana u nacionalnim parkovima, mjestima koja pripadaju svjetskoj baštini i zaštićenim zonama širom Balkana.

Prema izvještaju organizacije Bankwatch, od 1.640 planiranih i tekućih projekata u BiH, Makedoniji i Albaniji, pola će biti izgrađeno u nacionalnim parkovima, mjestima koja pripadaju svjetskoj baštini i koja je Evropska unija zaštitila u okviru projekta Natura 2000.

HydroWorld | 06.01.2016

In southeast Europe, there are 1,355 greenfield hydropower plants either being planned or having entered operation since 2005, according to a recently released report.

Of these, 200 are in operation and 113 are under construction. The report indicates 823 projects are actively planned and another 171 are regarded as potential.

Nasevijesti.com | 06.01.2016

Multilateralne razvojne banke finansiraju veliki broj hidroelektrana u nacionalnim parkovima, mjestima koja pripadaju svjetskoj baštini i zaštićenim zonama širom Balkana

Međunarodne banke su uložile milione evra u veliki broj hidroelektrana u nacionalnim parkovima i ekološki zaštićenim područjima na Balkanu, ukazuje novi izvještaj.

Od 1640 planiranih i tekućih projekata u Bosni, Makedoniji i Albaniji, pola će biti izgrađeno u nacionalnim parkovima, mjestima koja pripadaju svjetskoj baštini i koja je Evropska unija zaštitila u okviru projekta Natura 2000.

The Guardian | 05.01.2016

The remote Issyk Kul province in eastern Kyrgyzstan, on the border with China, is home to some of the most stunning vistas of the rugged Tian Shan mountain range that cuts through much of Central Asia. Mountain goats and endangered snow leopards roam the rocky slopes, while rare species of dandelion and wild tulip bloom in alpine meadows.

Faktor | 05.01.2016

U narednih osam godina na Balkanu je planirana gradnja 900 hidroelektrana. U BiH uglavnom na najvećim rijekama: Bosni, Neretvi, Drini, Vrbasu, te na Uni i Sani.

Republikein | 29.12.2015

In ’n nuwe verklaring wat CEE Bankwatch Network op 22 Desember uitgereik het, hou die organisasie vol dat gesondheidsverslae verspreide “oormatige blootstelling” van gif­tige arseen by Dundee ­Precious Metals (DPM) se smeltery op Tsumeb bevestig.
Die organisasie se aanspraak is gebaseer op ’n voorlopige verslag van agtereenvolgende toetse wat die Namibiese regering tussen 2011 en 2013 gedoen het wat tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat “onlangse urinêre arseenkonsentrasies wydverspreide, oormatige blootstelling op die aanleg” bevestig het.
Dié verslag is in Augustus 2013 bekend gemaak.