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Бенквоч в прессе

Euronews | 22.04.2016

Zaporizhia is one of Ukraine’s four active nuclear plants. It has six reactors, each with the capacity to produce 1000 MW, and was built at the same time as Chernobyl, with Soviet-era reactors.

Oleh Dudar, head of operations, joined the plant in 1986 – the year of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Glacier Hub | 20.04.2016

The most controversial gold mining project in Central Asia is back in the spotlight again this month. Canadian mining company Centerra Gold has re-launched its public relations campaign in Kyrgyzstan to improve the company’s image over the status of glaciers at the Kumtor gold mine, one of the world’s biggest open-pit gold mines and a flagship project that accounts for 90 percent of company’s profits.

Independent Australia | 18.04.2016

As the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster approaches, Noel Wauchope outlines just a few compelling reasons why the Coalition Government's uranium deal with Ukraine may have further disastrous consequences.

WHAT AMAZINGLY insensitive timing. As the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe approaches, Australia makes a deal (at the Nuclear Security Summit) to sell uranium to Ukraine.

This is such a bad idea for so many reasons — it's hard to know which to pick first!

Economics: simply because uranium exporting is not really economically worthwhile.

Dnevnik | 13.04.2016

Banka, ki bi morala Sloveniji in drugim postsocialističnim državam pomagati pri prehodu v trajnostno naravnano tržno gospodarstvo, ni opravila svoje naloge. Tako meni mednarodna mreža CEE Bankwatch Network po 25 letih delovanja Evropske banke za obnovo in razvoj.

ABC News | 12.04.2016

Thirty years after the world's most catastrophic nuclear accident, the abandoned Ukrainian town of Pripyat, home to the infamous Chernobyl nuclear reactor number four, has been transformed.

From the ashes of the site has emerged a $US200 per person "extreme tourism" theme park.

Each week more than 1,000 tourists are taken through security and radiation checkpoints, before being allowed to walk through the abandoned buildings, including the swimming pool complex, kindergarten and police station.

Public Finance International | 11.04.2016

Corruption, dirty resources and inequality are among the outcomes of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s investments over the past two decades, according to an environmental watchdog.

CEE Bankwatch Network, a Prague-based environmental NGO that monitors the activities of international financial institutions like the EBRD, said the bank has deepened countries’ dependence on unsustainable natural resource extraction and allowed corrupt or undemocratic elites to tighten their grip on societies.

Il Piccolo | 03.04.2016

Due organizzazioni: centrali a carbone inquinanti, alto il prezzo per la salute. La Serbia: investiti 200 milioni di euro

BELGRADO. Fumi grigi che stagnano su valli e pianure, il tipico odore di carbone bruciato che ammorba l’aria, dall’autunno a primavera inoltrata. E persone che tossiscono, in città come in campagna. I Balcani sono malati.

Euractiv.sk | 30.03.2016

Aktivisti upozorňujú na vážne bezpečnostné nedostatky starnúcich jadrových kapacít.

V apríli si svet pripomenie 30. výročie najväčšej jadrovej katastrofy v Európe, ktorá sa odohrala v ukrajinskej elektrárni Černobyľ.

Len o niekoľko dní neskôr plánuje ukrajinská Štátna inšpekcia pre jadrový dozor začať proces predlžovania životnosti dvoch reaktorov v najväčšej atómovej elektrárni v Európe v Záporoží na východe krajiny, približne 250 kilometrov od bojovej línie.

News24UA | 29.03.2016

Украинская атомная энергетика практически полностью связана с российским атомным комплексом. Все 4 станции с 15 энергоблоками оборудованы реакторами производства РФ ВВЭР-400 и ВВЭР-1000. До 2011 г. все ядерное топливо поставлялось из России компанией ТВЭЛ. Но тренд «гэть від Москви» в полной мере коснулся и этой отрасли, которая на протяжении многих лет в ущерб безопасности подвергается жестоким и опасным экспериментам.

Wyborcza.pl | 08.03.2016

Komisja Petycji Parlamentu Europejskiego poinformowała o wszczęciu postępowania wyjaśniającego w sprawie budowy skarżyskiego odcinka drogi ekspresowej S7.

nformację o wszczęciu postępowania otrzymało w poniedziałek stowarzyszenie Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, które od dawna protestuje przeciwko proponowanemu przebiegowi S7 od Skarżyska-Kamiennej do granicy z Mazowszem. Zdaniem ekologów zagraża m.in. siedliskom trzech chronionych gatunkom motyli oraz szlakom migracyjnym łosiów i wilków.