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EBRD blogs

November 6, 2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development boasts of having invested 10 billion euros in sustainable energy since 2006. A closer look reveals that although the bank's efforts deserve recognition, several investments make a mockery of 'sustainability'.

Energy & climate
Resource efficiency
November 5, 2012

November is shaping up to be crunch time for a new 600 MW lignite plant planned to be built at Sostanj in Slovenia. If the Slovenian government doesn’t manage to offer a state guarantee for loans from European public banks that should cover half the construction costs by the end of this month, the project could fail. At Bankwatch, we’re preparing our popcorn for the latest Sostanj thriller, on show across Europe this month.

Energy & climate
November 2, 2012

After long delays and more than 3 years of preparation the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has finally completed and published a policy for its operations in the mining sector. Both the consultation process and the final outcome must leave “the consulted stakeholders” disappointed.

Social & economic impacts
Other harmful projects
October 22, 2012

A closer look at Ukraine's energy strategy reveals fundamental flaws in the government's plans to continue using old nuclear reactors and its rhetoric of nuclear being the only possible alternative.

Energy & climate
Resource efficiency
September 26, 2012

For its first loan to 'Arab Spring' countries the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has chosen vehicles and partners whose ability to deliver developmental value is highly uncertain.

Social & economic impacts
September 18, 2012

Investment data for Mongolia illustrates that without improving the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s plans for the mining sector, the bank may add to the dependence on raw materials exports in resource rich countries.

Social & economic impacts
Other harmful projects
September 17, 2012

Alleged corruption at Poland’s second biggest state-owned energy company ENEA S.A. may compromise yet another project financed by European public banks.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
August 23, 2012

A recent audit showed that Ukraine lacks good management at least as much as finances to reform its energy sector. EU money is meanwhile siding with a tainted company.

Energy & climate
July 31, 2012

The company hired to build a new unit at the Sostanj lignite power plant is involved in strikingly similar corruption cases across continents.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
July 26, 2012

The EBRD's claims it has helped turn Serbia into a "role model for social inclusion of Roma" ring hollow in light of the plethora of abuses of Romas' rights in other cases in Serbia.

Social & economic impacts