NGOs to EIB and EBRD: Mistakes like Šoštanj must not happen again

Source: Tanja Srnovrsnik, Energetika

Yesterday, 20 March, Focus Slovenia, CEE Bankwatch Network and 96 other NGOs sent a letter to the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), calling on them to never commit to such a misguided loan as they had with Slovenian lignite plant Šoštanj 6.

Nuclear Safety Plan Has Ukrainians Worried

Source: Pavol Stracansky, Inter Press Service

A 300 million euro loan to improve nuclear safety in the Ukraine has been attacked by environmental groups who say it will instead be used to keep ageing reactors working well beyond their planned lifespans – increasing the risks of a nuclear accident – while doing nothing to address serious issues with the country’s energy intensity.

Polish government accused of gagging anti-fracking groups

Source: Ed King, RTCC

Poland’s government stands accused of considering new legislation to limit the influence of campaign groups opposed to its plans to frack for shale gas.

Гостевой пост: не допустить повторения Шоштани


Высказывая недовольство кредитованием одного из самых «грязных» проектов в Европе, около 100 организаций призвали двух общественных заимодателей не повторять таких ошибок в будущем.

ЕБРР финансирует продление работы старых украинских атомных станций, но принял оборонительную позицию

Киев – Вчера Европейский банк реконструкции и развития утвердил предоставление кредита в размере 300 млн. евро на так называемую «Программу повышения безопасности атомных станций» Украины. На самом деле, компания получатель, государственное предприятие «Энергоатом», собирается использовать эти средства на продление срока эксплуатации 12 старых ядерных реакторов.

Bankwatch in Mongolia?

Source: , Mad Mongolia

Despite the refusal by the Mongolian government on supporting Oyu Tolgoi Phase-II project finance process, World Bank’s “legally separate” IFC board has approved the loan of USD200-300 million. It proved that Rio Tinto is more convincing than the Mongolian government on how would the future events will unfold.

EIB, EBRD agree loans for Slovenian coal power plant

Source: John McGarrity, Reuters

Europe's two biggest public banks agreed funding for a lignite-fired power plant in Slovenia, sparking criticism from pressure groups which have questioned the way the project was awarded and its pollution threat.

Yes Meni kontra EBI

Source: Mike Bonanno (guest post), Dziennik Opinii

Zanim opowiem wam coś zabawnego o pewnym banku, najpierw kilka słów wyjaśnienia. Nazywam się Mike Bonanno i jestem Yes Manem.

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