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Publications on EU funds

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Policy comments | November 28, 2011

Civil society organizations from Central Asia submitted their recommendations on the EU's new Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI). The organisations call for a structured, open and transparent decision-making process involving local civil society representatives throughout the DCI activities in order to ensure the sustainable and democratic development of their countries.

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Study | November 18, 2011

The study shows how targeted public financial support for energy efficiency, mainly thermal insulation of buildings, helped create jobs and increase economic activity across the Czech Republic.

Briefing | November 15, 2011

The partnership principle, public participation and transparency are interlinked and basic democratic principles, essential to good governance and sustainable development. They are necessary for Cohesion Policy to ensure that needs and priorities of the people in Europe are effectively taken into account.

We believe improvement is needed to implement these values in the EU funds cycle, specifically with regards to the implementation and development of the European Code of Conduct.

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Study | October 24, 2011

The European Commission's Cohesion Policy regulations fail to earmark sufficient money for green spending in areas such as energy efficiency of buildings, sustainable transport, nature protection or waste management.

Next year, the European Council and European Parliament can amend the regulation texts for the better. Our detailed recommendations for EU regional funds 2014-2020 can help them in their task by outlining which types of spending need to be excluded and which encouraged in order to tackle climate change, stop biodiversity loss and reverse resource-overconsumption while modernising our economies.

Bankwatch Mail | September 21, 2011

This edition focuses mostly on the European Investment Bank and EU funds related issues. Among the questions we discuss are: How is the EU budget, this 1 trillion euro process, shaping up, and will sustainability finally have a bigger role? and Will EIB investments in the Southern Mediterranean bring benefits to the people there or to Western companies?

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Briefing | September 5, 2011

This paper describes experiences with the EU funded Transport Operational Programmes (further referred to as OPTs) in four central and eastern European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Poland. Individual country reports have been produced after 4 and a half years of the respective OPTs" implementation in the current EU budgetary period 2007-2013, and they identify the main facts, weak points and lessons learned in the process of preparation and implementation of the programmes.

Bankwatch Mail | August 7, 2011

In this issue: Kyoto in Bonn * Combating poverty in Georgia * Oil revenues for Weapons * Nukes in Ukraine * EIB Info Policy * EBRD - Language Apartheid * PVC ban in Slovakia * Two new World Bank strategies * Yugoslavia Gets USD 1,3 billion

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Bankwatch Mail | May 19, 2011

On the occasion of the EBRD's 20th anniversary, Bankwatch Mail is complemented by a range of personal reflections from people both within and beyond central and eastern Europe, people who have worked directly on issues related to the EBRD, or who have studied the bank's impacts.

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Leaflet | April 26, 2011

In 2010 Ukraine joined the European Energy Community to integrate into the European electricity and gas markets. The Ukrainian government is looking to the EU and international financial institutions to sponsor a warily nuclear-intensive, export-oriented energy program.