Home >> Publications >> Funding Europe's Future: How Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 can deliver for Europe's people and environment

Funding Europe's Future: How Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 can deliver for Europe's people and environment

Earlier this month, the European Commission published the Cohesion Policy regulations, setting out the way in which the EU's regional funds should be spent in line with the Europe 2020 climate goals. These regulations fail to earmark sufficient money for green spending in areas such as energy efficiency of buildings, sustainable transport, nature protection or waste management.

Much is now left up to the European Council and European Parliament, which next year can amend the regulation texts for the better, by prohibiting harmful subsidies and increasing earmarking for spending in energy efficiency, renewables, resource efficiency and biodiversity protection. The Friends of the Earth Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network study outlines which types of spending need to be excluded and which encouraged.

In their turn, in 2013, member states will have to make wise decisions about which spending to prioritise. The recommendations serve as a tool in this process by mapping out areas in which central and eastern European countries need to make investments if they want to move towards environmental sustainability and the modernisation of their economies which use fewer natural resources and are based on renewable energy. Moreover, the study details the types of spending which are possible from the regional funds and how such moneys need to be prioritised to achieve optimal results.

For more information about recommendations for EU regional funds 2014-2020 please contact:

Markus Trilling
EU Funds coordinator
CEE Bankwatch Network/ Friends of the Earth Europe
markus.trilling AT bankwatch.org
Tel.: + 32 484 056 636
