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Publications on EU funds

For materials focusing on the ongoing legislative process for the 2014-2020 EU Budget and Cohesion Policy click here

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Study | July 9, 2012

The study reviews the rationale of EU Cohesion Policy investments in airport infrastructure using the example of Poland. Both the development and maintenance of airport infrastructure benefit from EU, national and regional budget support. Beyond this, public money flows to airline companies, in practice as gratification for opening and sustaining flight connections.

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Study | July 3, 2012

Halfway through its term in office, the European Commission is off target in creating sustainable long-term prosperity in Europe. The report assesses progress in nine EU policy fields with impacts on the environment and reviews the track record of 13 European Commissioners and Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

Briefing | July 1, 2012

During the Cyprus Presidency the ordinary legislative procedure for adopting the regulatory framework on the future Cohesion Policy shall be concluded.

Briefing | June 10, 2012

Transport is the only sector where greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing. Without decisive new action, transport GHG emissions are expected to grow by 74% until 2050. The Commission has pledged that at least 20% of the proposed €1 trillion EU budget for 2014-2020 will go towards climate mitigation and adaptation goals. This paper outlines how these commitments can be put into practice in the regulations on CEF and the TEN-T guidelines.

Briefing | May 16, 2012

The Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds supports the principle of thematic concentration in the European Commission's Cohesion Policy legislative package from October 2011. However, changes brought forward by some Member States risk hampering a critical mass of investments in areas that help deliver on EU agreed targets by 2020, especially the Europe 2020 Strategy targets.

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Study | April 30, 2012

In light of the new proposed Regulation for the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), Bankwatch has compiled case studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia to illustrate the lack of political will to properly implement EU principles on public participation. This represents a significant problem in the implementation of the IPA funds in these countries.

Policy comments | April 28, 2012

These comments from the Bulgarian Civic Coalition for sustainable use of EU funds identifies problematic issues and discrepancies between transport policy documents at EU and Bulgarian level. It offers concrete suggestions to overcome those problems and to improve the decision making process of the Bulgaria Operational Programme for Transport for the period 2014-2020.

Briefing | April 28, 2012

If implemented as currently planned, the road bypass of the town of Gabrovo, and the tunnel under the Shipka mountain - a project supported by EU funding - will harm a Natura 2000 zone and national biodiversity protected area. This briefing paper gives details on the project and calls on the European Commission to remind Bulgarian authorities of the need to allow for public participation and conduct an environmental assessment that takes alternatives into consideration.

Briefing | April 1, 2012

The European Commission’s legislative proposals for the future EU Budget have made some promising changes but they are not ambitious enough to meet the level of current challenges. While CAP spending still needs a radical overhaul, the proposals on the other funds need to be strengthened to ensure leadership from the EU Budget that supports a sustainable and prosperous European economy and inspires all of Europe and the world.

Briefing | March 28, 2012

While central and eastern European countries can use EU funds as a financial tool helping them to meet the requirements of European waste directives, the money is not spent in line with these directives. This case study explains why, focusing mainly on the waste hierarchy as one of the key principles of EU legislation.