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Publications on EU funds

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Briefing | March 26, 2012

The briefing analyses the old Regulation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) (2007-2013) and compares it with the new proposal (2014-2020), with a specific focus on environmental protection and transparency/partnership principle. Since the regulation is not strong enough in neither of these two areas, we provide amendments to the regulation's articles. The briefing is a useful tool for advocating for better environmental protection and improvement of the public participation in decision making in the Western Balkan countries.

Briefing | March 15, 2012

The European Commission’s proposed European Code of Conduct has the potential to become a major tool for securing effective partnership, transparency and public participation under the Cohesion Policy. This briefing contains recommendations to further support and realise this potential.

Briefing | March 14, 2012

This briefing outlines a number of aspects that - if improved - would enhance the European Commission’s proposal on the future EU budget and maximize benefits for the regions delivered by the future Cohesion Policy while contributing to reach the 2020 climate, energy and biodiversity targets and creating green jobs.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

As the Polish Presidency ended at the turn of the year and the last formal meetings were over, the Polish government decided it was time to speak out more openly about its own position concerning the future of Cohesion Policy, as it was no longer obliged to remain neutral in the negotiations. This EU budget item had been the priority for the Presidency, as Poland is hoping to receive as much as EUR 80 billion in the forthcoming 2014-2020 period.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Encouraging developments related to the deployment of EU funds in Latvia for improving household energy efficiency have reached Bankwatch Mail from Latvian Green Movement, our member group based in Riga.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

The European Commission is considering financial support for three new major municipal waste incinerator projects in the Czech Republic. The total cost for these projects is EUR 520 million and the projects have also requested a subsidy from the current Operational Programme for Environment (OPE) totalling EUR 184 million.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Now in its fourth edition, Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe's map of environmentally and socially harmful projects in central and eastern Europe being paid for by – or in line for – billions of euros of EU money has been launched at a crucial moment.

Bankwatch Mail | March 13, 2012

Poland is on course to place further large roadblocks in the way of the European Commission's Roadmap 2050 towards a low-carbon economy unless certain demands being insisted on by Warsaw are met. These include the granting of free allowances for all 16 power plants that Poland has asked to be supported under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme.

Advocacy letter | March 2, 2012

The letter, sent by the Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget, includes discussion points that are crucial for the future Cohesion Policy regulations. Now, during the ongoing debates in the European Parliament, it is the role of MEPs to ensure that the EU becomes a resource efficient low-carbon economy, shifting Europe’s regions on a sustainable path.

Advocacy letter | February 28, 2012

A look at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's investments in the Ombla hydropower plant in Croatia and the Boskov Most plant in Macedonia reveals that the EU does not make full use of its shareholder role in the Bank and allows approval of the projects that contravene EU principles and standards.

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