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Publications on EU funds

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Advocacy letter | January 19, 2011

Bankwatch welcomes the European Commissions "A resource efficient Europe - flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy" as an effort to build a holistic approach to resource efficiency. This letter suggests further priority measures that should guide this initiative and proposes an integration of resource efficiency in different EU policies and actions.

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Study | November 18, 2010

The report presents a new proposal by seven green NGOs including Bankwatch on how to reform the EU funds, analyses different EU policies and suggests concrete solutions to put an end to environmentally harmful subsidies within the EU Budget.

Our key challenges in tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and resource inefficiency need to be prioritised ahead of funding for unnecessary infrastructure projects and the subsidising of intensive agriculture.

Bankwatch Mail | October 4, 2010

In this issue: A sustainable EU budget – it's time to cut the crap * Khimki forest reprieve brings no cessation of underhand tactics * EU funds flows for smart flood prevention can save billions and lives * Rip it up and almost start again – New EU funds priorities for Hungary * EU funds for Latvia's environment up in smoke * Conference - The private sector turn: Private equity, financial intermediaries and what they mean for development (November 22, London) * EBRD financial sector strategy revision reveals few lessons learned from crisis * Energy and transport failings in the east – a challe

Policy comments | September 30, 2010

EU Structural and Cohesion Funds should foster sustainable development and the transformation to a low-energy-consuming society, living within its ecological limits. In so doing they should support the deployment of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources, should prevent any harmful social and environmental impact of their investments and actively protect biodiversity and improve ecosystem resilience.

Policy comments | September 30, 2010

The European Commission (EC) has recently invited inputs to its consultation on an initiative on concessions that aims to improve the rules for concession contracts in the EU. PPP advocates insist on their cost-effectiveness, timely completion rates and the sharing of financial risk - yet so far the evidence for these claims is decidedly mixed. In our comments we call for a thorough and independent assessment of the performance of PPPs so far and their financial and social impact.

Advocacy letter | September 22, 2010

The European Commission responded to our letter on October 8, 2010. Their response can be downloaded as pdf.

Policy comments | September 15, 2010

Bankwatch's comments to the consultation on the future of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), the vast Europe-wide network of roads, rail, air and water transport raise concerns among others about the lack of an overall vision in the European Commission's consultation documents so far and about the European Investment Bank's role in the implementation in the revised policy.

Advocacy letter | August 23, 2010

On April 27, 2010 at the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Commissions (EC) Executive Director voted positively regarding the D1 Motorway Phase One project in Slovakia - despite the project's serious shortcomings and an ongoing project screening by the EC (DG Environment) for its compliance with the environmental acquis communautaire.

Policy comments | June 30, 2010

Bankwatch's comments on the European Commission's DG Energy's document "Towards a new energy strategy for Europe (TESE)" discusses the priorities for EU public financing we believe should be incorporated into a new energy strategy.