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Publications on EU funds

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Advocacy letter | February 16, 2010

The letter accompanied a specialist opinion on the impacts of the D1 TuranyHubov section, detailing that the construction represents a serious impact on the Natura 2000 network and the existing alternative solutions that could considerably reduce this impact. The specialist opinion can be downloaded here (pdf).

Policy comments | January 26, 2010

Bankwatch is concerned that public-private partnerships in infrastructure are being heavily promoted in central and eastern Europe (CEE) even though the evidence from the use of such models so far, both in the region and in western Europe is mixed or sometimes absent.

Advocacy letter | January 26, 2010

Bankwatch's policy comments on public-private partnerships are available here.

Policy comments | January 15, 2010

This position paper, prepared by the European NGO Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds focuses on the most urgent steps needed in order to reshape Cohesion policy, the primary EU instrument to foster innovation, towards a new development approach. This new approach must extend beyond economic growth as the key, or even sole, determinant of success.

Official document | January 5, 2010

Bankwatch's complaint concerned the inadequate appraisal of environmental risks connected with the Turany - Hubova section of the D1 motorway in Slovakia, the damage so far and further potential impacts on the Natura 2000 sites and habitats of
Community importance.

Our complaint is available in pdf here

Advocacy letter | December 21, 2009

The letter accompanied an expert study on the expected impacts of the proposed D1 motorway section Turany-Hubov on animal species, biotopes and Natura 2000 sites. The study (in Slovak language) is available at the website of Bankwatch member group Friends of the Earth-CEPA.

Advocacy letter | December 21, 2009

The letter accompanied an expert study on the expected impacts of the proposed D1 motorway section Turany-Hubov on animal species, biotopes and Natura 2000 sites. The study (in Slovak language) is available at the website of Bankwatch member group Friends of the Earth-CEPA.

Advocacy letter | October 19, 2009

The letter expresses the concern about potential environmental impacts and sustainability aspects of the proposal to further simplify EU funds regulations as a response to the economic crisis.

Policy comments | October 1, 2009

CEE Bankwatch Network's inputs into the EBRDs evaluation of its work
in the transport sector - an important sector but one which is the
fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

As well as commenting on individual projects Bankwatch is calling
on the EBRD to dramatically reduce investments in new motorways,
restrict aviation investments to safety measures and air traffic
management, and ensure that railway restructuring does not result in
disincentives for its use such as higher prices. We are also concerned
that the transition indicators used by the EBRD concentrate on

Bankwatch Mail | September 30, 2009

In this issue: Disclosure policy review - A glass of information half full or half empty? * Bank 'panglosses' over the facts with new Georgian partnership strategy * EBRD, EIB culpable of policy violations in resettling Belgrade Roma * Heat rising on international public lenders to come clean for the climate * ČEZ chez the EIB – It's invite only to the black masque energy security fundraiser * IMF's pro-cyclical brakes pile on the misery across central and eastern Europe * The silence of the scams no more