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Publications on EU funds

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Bankwatch Mail | April 1, 2009

In this issue: Earth calling the IFIs – Take me to your added value * Countdown to Copenhagen finds the EU stuck in limbo * Wind frozen and trees cut in Latvian crisis measures * The penny starts to drop on PPPs * Oil, gas and the IFIs: Sketching some lines on the horizon * Landmark legal victory compels Ex-Im Bank and OPIC to get real on their fossil fuel lending * Transparency fever gripping the World Bank?

Advocacy letter | December 5, 2008

Recently the Slovak parliament adopted Act 669/2007 which allows motorways to be built on private property that has not been bought or expropriated at the time of construction. This creates favorable conditions for private investors engaged in building highways under public-private partnership ( PPP ) schemes. The act directly violates the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its protocols, which is the basic norm of the EU in the area of human rights.

Bankwatch Mail | December 1, 2008

In this issue: A fossil free EIB requires political will * South east Europe's leaders to cling to carbon during COP 14 * Counting down to Copenhagen – counting on public money to do more for climate-friendly investments * No more excuses for IFI heel-dragging on renewables in emerging markets * EBRD carbon factor: Readers decide * Many cooks stirring Albania's carbon soup * Looking beyond nuke bickering in the Baltics * EU-Ukraine energy cooperation needs a rethink * World Bank is accomplishing mission impossible in CEE, says the Bank * PPP's perils and pitfalls make it no panacea – new Bankw

Advocacy letter | November 14, 2008

This letter highlights problems with two controversial transport projects, the Prague Ring Road and Katowice - Vienna connection proposed under the TEN-T program. Specifically in the case of the Prague Ring Road, these issues include nuclear safety regulations, inappropriate traffic mitigation measures and changes to the land use plan. Problematic issues with the Katowice - Vienna connection include environmental and transport efficiency concerns.

Study | October 10, 2008

The first issue of this new bulletin, prepared by CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe, aims to provide ground-level information and commentaries on the implementation of the cohesion policy in central and eastern Europe (CEE). It is part of the campaign Billions for Sustainability which gives a voice to local concerns over the isuse of EU money for economically, socially and environmentally controversial projects and calls for the EU Funds to truly benefit people living across Europe and their environment.

Briefing | June 24, 2008

This article deals mainly with EU funds allocations for energy efficiency, renewables and sustainable transportation. The data used in the analysis is taken from the allocations planned in the National Operational Programmes (OP) in the CEE-10, which constitute the key programming documents for distribution of the EU funds at national level.